Czech Republic

Správná likvidace tohoto produktu (Zničení elektrického a elektronického zafiízení)

Tato znaãka zobrazená na produktu nebo v dokumentaci znamená, že by nemûl být používán s jinými domácími zafiízeními po skonãení svého funkãního období. Aby se zabránilo možnému zneãištûní životního prostfiedí nebo zranûní ãlovûka díky nekontrolovanému zniãení, oddûlte je prosíme od dalších typÛ odpadÛ a recyklujte je zodpovûdnû k podpofie opûtovného využití hmotných zdrojÛ.

âlenové domácnosti by mûli kontaktovat jak prodejce, u nûhož produkt zakoupili, tak místní vládní kanceláfi, ohlednû podrobností, kde a jak mÛžete tento výrobek bezpeãnû vzhledem k životnímu prostfiedí recyklovat.

Obchodníci by mûli kontaktovat své dodavatele a zkontrolovat všechny podmínky koupû . Tento výrobek by se nemûl míchat s jinými komerãními produkty, urãenými k likvidaci.


Pokud máte otázky týkající se výrobkÛ Samsung, kontaktujte stfiedisko Samsung pro péãi o zákazníky. Distributor pro âeskou republiku:

Samsung Zrt., ãeska organizaãní složka

Vyskoãilova 4, 14000 Praha 4

844 000 844

Na podporu recyklace odpadÛ je tento návod pro uživatele vytištûn na recyklovaném papífie.


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Samsung RT53EASM1/XEH manual Czech Republic

RT53EASM1/XEH specifications

The Samsung RT53EASM1/XEH is a standout refrigerator model, combining innovative technology with an elegant design. This French-door refrigerator not only enhances your kitchen aesthetics but also provides functionality and advanced features that cater to the needs of modern households.

One of the key highlights of the RT53EASM1/XEH is its large capacity. With numerous shelves and compartments, it provides ample storage space for all your groceries, making it an ideal choice for large families or individuals who love to stock up. The adjustable shelves allow for customization, giving you the flexibility to store items of varying sizes without hassle.

The refrigerator also boasts Samsung's Digital Inverter Compressor technology. This feature not only helps maintain the optimal temperature for your food items but also operates more quietly compared to traditional compressors. The inverter compressor allows the fridge to adapt its cooling performance according to the usage patterns, leading to energy savings and a reduction in noise during operation.

Another noteworthy characteristic is the Twin Cooling Plus system. This technology utilizes separate cooling systems for both the refrigerator and freezer compartments, ensuring that the humidity levels in the refrigerator are kept high while the freezer remains low. This separation helps preserve food freshness, minimizes odor transfer, and contributes to better overall storage conditions.

The RT53EASM1/XEH is equipped with an easy-to-use LED control panel, allowing users to adjust settings effortlessly. The LED lighting inside the refrigerator illuminates every corner, making it easy to find items even in the back, enhancing visibility and accessibility.

Energy efficiency is another significant aspect of the Samsung RT53EASM1/XEH. With its energy-efficient design, this refrigerator helps reduce electricity consumption, making it an environmentally friendly choice for conscientious consumers.

In terms of design, the stainless steel finish not only adds a modern touch to any kitchen but also resists fingerprints, keeping the appliance looking clean and polished. With its sleek lines and contemporary aesthetics, this refrigerator is a perfect blend of style and performance.

Overall, the Samsung RT53EASM1/XEH is a versatile and efficient kitchen appliance that caters to the diverse needs of today's consumers. Its innovative technologies, spacious interior, and energy-saving features make it a popular choice among households looking for reliability and style in one package.