Setup and Reset
6 Setup and Reset
will decrease with a moon image displayed. The brightness slide bar will be displayed for 3 seconds
after the sensor activates.
zA pop-up as shown above will appear when an energy tree completes while Eco Icon Display is
If the above picture is displayed, it means the Eco Icon Display option is On. Change this setting
to Off if you do not want to display the pop-up.
zThe amount of energy saved by the Eco Motion Sensor, Eco Light Sensor, and Eco Saving
functions will accumulate and the progress can be viewed as a growing energy tree.
The energy tree grows as the energy savings of the monitor accumulate. Accordingly, the tree's
growth will also be affected by other functions that involve power consumption such as the
brightness control function.
zThe amount of energy savings accumulated by using the power-saving functions, such as Eco
Motion Sensor, Eco Light Sensor and Eco Saving, will be calculated and represented as an
amount of carbon dioxide.
zA complete energy tree will be displayed when the amount of energy savings accumulates to as
much as the amount of carbon dioxide a tree absorbs in a year. This shows that your energy saving
is as effective as planting a tree so that you can easily understand the accumulation of energy
savings over time and its effect by viewing the progress of a tree growing.
zThe progress of a tree growing will be represented as 10 different images (stages). After one full-
grown tree is complete, the initial image will be restored and the number of trees will continue to
accumulate. The number for energy trees will be rounded to one decimal place.
You've saved
* tree(s).