Samsung SGH-G810EAATRA, SGH-G810EAASEB manual Važne informacije o upotrebi


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Izbjegavajte interferiranje s drugom elektroničkom opremom

Vaš uređaj emitira radiofrekvencijske (RF) signale koji mogu interferirati s nezaštićenom ili neispravno zaštićenom elektroničkom opremom, kao što su pacemakeri, slušna pomagala i medicinska oprema u kući ili vozilima. Konzultirajte proizvođače vaše elektroničke opreme kako biste riješili bilo kakve probleme s interferencijom koje imate.

Važne informacije o upotrebi

Upotrebljavajte uređaj u normalnom položaju

Izbjegavajte kontakt s unutarnjom antenom uređaja.

Samo kvalificiranom osoblju dozvolite da servisira vaš uređaj

Dozvolite li nekvalificiranom osoblju da servisira vaš uređaj, to može rezultirati oštećenjem uređaja i poništit će jamstvo.

Osigurajte maksimalan vijek trajanja baterije i punjača

Izbjegavajte punjenje baterija više od jednog tjedna jer previše punjenja može skratiti vijek trajanja baterije.

Nerabljene baterije s vremenom će se isprazniti i moraju se ponovo napuniti prije upotrebe.

Isključite punjače iz izvora napajanja kada nisu u upotrebi.

Upotrebljavajte baterije samo u svrhu za koju su namijenjene.

Budite pažljivi sa SIM karticama i memorijskim karticama

Nemojte uklanjati karticu dok uređaj šalje ili prima podatke jer to može rezultirati gubitkom podataka i/ili oštećenjem kartice ili uređaja.

Zaštitite kartice od jakih udara, statičkoga elektriciteta i električne buke s ostale opreme.

Često pisanje i brisanje skratit će životni raspon memorijskih kartica.

Nemojte dirati pozlaćene kontakte i polove prstima ili metalnim predmetima. Ako je potrebno očistiti karticu, brišite je mekom krpom.

Osigurajte pristup hitnim službama

Hitni pozivi s vašega uređaja možda neće biti mogući u nekim područjima ili okolnostima. Prije putovanja u udaljena ili nerazvijena područja, isplanirajte alternativnu metodu kontaktiranja osoblja hitnih službi.


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Samsung SGH-G810EAATRA, SGH-G810EAASEB manual Važne informacije o upotrebi

SGH-G810EAATRA, SGH-G810EAASEB specifications

The Samsung SGH-G810EAASEB is a cutting-edge mobile phone that exemplifies the blend of advanced features and innovative technology. Released as part of Samsung’s G series, this device impresses with its versatility and performance, making it a sought-after choice among tech enthusiasts.

One of the standout features of the G810 is its advanced camera system. Equipped with a 5-megapixel camera, it allows users to capture high-quality images and videos. The camera includes autofocus, face detection, and a range of settings to enhance photography. Additionally, the presence of a dedicated camera button ensures that users can quickly access their photography functions, making it ideal for capturing spontaneous moments.

The G810 offers a robust multimedia experience, featuring a vibrant 2.6-inch display with a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels. This screen not only provides vibrant visuals for photos and videos but also enhances the overall user interface experience. Moreover, the device supports various multimedia formats, allowing users to enjoy their favorite music and videos on the go.

Connectivity is another strength of the Samsung G810. It supports 3G networks, ensuring fast data transfer and browsing capabilities. Users can easily connect to the internet, stream content, or download apps, enhancing the overall usability of the device. In addition to 3G, Bluetooth and USB connectivity options allow for easy data transfer and connection to other devices.

In terms of storage, the G810 comes with a decent internal memory, but it also supports external microSD cards, allowing users to expand their storage capacity significantly. This feature is particularly appealing for those who enjoy taking photos and downloading multimedia content.

The phone's design is sleek and stylish, featuring a compact build that fits comfortably in the hand. It also incorporates a full QWERTY keyboard that slides out, providing users with an excellent typing experience for messaging and email.

Overall, the Samsung SGH-G810EAASEB stands out for its combination of high-quality camera capabilities, multimedia features, and connectivity options. It is a device that caters to the needs of both casual users and tech aficionados, solidifying Samsung's reputation for innovation in the mobile phone market.