The equivalent value for the amount you entered displays.
For the currency converter, you can view and set currency rates by pressing <View rate>.
Timer (Menu 3.9)
Use this menu to set a period of time for the phone to count down. The phone sounds an alarm when the specified period of time expires.
Starting the timer
1.Press <Set>.
2.Enter the length of time you want to count down and press <OK>.
3.Press [Centre] to start counting down.
Stopping the timer
• Press any key when the timer rings.
•Press [Centre] on the Timer screen to stop the timer before it rings.
Stopwatch (Menu 3.10)
Use this menu to measure elapsed time. The maximum time is 10 hours.
1.Press [Centre] to start the stopwatch.
2.Press [Centre] to check an interval. You can repeat this step for a total of 4 intervals.
Key management (Menu 3.11)
Use this menu to manage the licence keys you have acquired to activate media contents locked by DRM systems.
Press <Options> to access the following options:
•View/Play: open the corresponding media content.
Menu functions Applications (Menu 3)