Managing apps
Uninstalling or disabling apps
To disable default apps, open the Apps screen and tap →Uninstall/disable apps.
appears on the apps that you can disable. Select an app and tap OK.
To uninstall downloaded apps, open the Apps screen and tap →Downloaded apps →
→ Uninstall. Alternatively, on the Apps screen, tap Settings →Application manager, select an app, and then tap Uninstall.
Enabling apps
On the Apps screen, tap →Show disabled apps, select apps, and then tap Done. Alternatively, on the Apps screen, tap Settings →Application manager, scroll to DISABLED, select an app, and then tap Enable.
•Hiding apps: Hide apps in the Apps screen only. You can continue to use hidden apps.
•Disabling apps: Disable selected default apps that cannot be uninstalled from the device. You cannot use disabled apps.
•Uninstalling apps: Uninstall downloaded apps.