Useful apps and features


On the Apps screen, tap Clock Stopwatch.

Tap START to time an event. Tap LAP to record lap times.

Tap STOP to stop timing. To clear lap times, tap RESET.


On the Apps screen, tap Clock Timer.

Set the duration, and then tap START.

Drag outside the large circle when the timer goes off.


Use this app to create memos and organise them by category.

Tap Memo on the Apps screen.

Composing memos

Tap on the memos list and enter a memo. While composing a memo, use the following options:

: Create or set a category.

: Insert images.

: Make a voice recording to insert. To save the memo, tap SAVE.

To edit a memo, tap a memo, and then tap the content of the memo.

Searching for memos

Tap on the memos list and enter a keyword to search for memos that include the keyword.