
Export: Export the note as an image file or a PDF file.

Rename: Rename the note.

Edit cover: Change the note cover.

Add to favourites: Add the note to the favourites list.

Lock: Lock the note so that others cannot view it.

Editing notes

Tap a note to open it. The note is displayed in view mode. To edit the note, tap .

Searching for notes

Use this feature to search for a note by entering search criteria, such as names, tags, categories, or time.

Tap Search, tap the search field at the top of the screen, and then enter search criteria.

Action Memo

Use this application to compose a handwritten memo and quickly perform one of the useful features provided with Action Memo.

Tap Action Memo on the Applications screen.

Composing memos

Tap , write a memo, and then tap . When the menu of functions appears, select a function to use the information on the memo you wrote.

: Make a call.

: Create a contact.

: Send a message.

: Send an email.