Samsung SM-R3800VSANEE, SM-R3800GNANEE Brug af coachingfunktionen under træning i løbetilstand


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Brug af coachingfunktionen under træning i løbetilstand

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Om coachingfunktionen

Coachingfunktionen indeholder Firstbeat-teknologi, der giver personlig træningshjælp. Firstbeat anvender træningseffektanalyse (TE), der måler den akkumulerede fysiske belastning under

et træningsforløb og vurderer effekten på din kondition. Træningseffektniveau er baseret på din fysiske profil og de oplysninger, der registreres om din puls under træningsforløbet. Dit træningseffektniveau øges, når du træner effektivt, og når coachingfunktionen anvender træningseffektanalysen til at give dig feedback.

Funktionen giver dig feedback via talemeddelelser, såsom “sæt farten op”, “hold tempoet” og “sæt farten ned”. Første gang du anvender coachingfunktionen, vil den estimere et passende træningseffektniveau ud fra din profil. I takt med at du træner, analyserer funktionen din træningshistorik og giver dig en mere personlig hjælp. Et typisk træningsforløb starter måske ved lav intensitet og øges kraftigt hen imod slutningen.

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For at opnå de bedste coachingresultater anbefales det at anvende coachingfunktionen ved udendørstræning.


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Samsung SM-R3800VSANEE, SM-R3800GNANEE manual Brug af coachingfunktionen under træning i løbetilstand, Om coachingfunktionen

SM-R3800VSANEE, SM-R3800MOANEE, SM-R3800GNANEE specifications

The Samsung SM-R3800 series, which includes the models SM-R3800GNANEE, SM-R3800MOANEE, and SM-R3800VSANEE, represents a significant advancement in wearable technology, specifically designed to cater to the needs of fitness enthusiasts and tech-savvy users. Featuring a sleek and ergonomic design, these smartwatches are not just accessories but functional health and fitness companions.

One of the standout features of the SM-R3800 series is its comprehensive activity tracking capabilities. These devices come equipped with integrated sensors that monitor various physical activities, from walking and running to cycling and swimming. With advanced heart rate monitoring technology, users can continuously track their heart rate in real-time, ensuring they maintain optimal exercise intensity and managing their overall health.

In addition to fitness tracking, the SM-R3800 series offers a host of smart notifications. Users can receive calls, messages, and app alerts directly on their wrist, ensuring they stay connected without needing to constantly check their smartphones. The compatibility with both Android and iOS devices enhances the usability of these smartwatches, making them accessible to a broad audience.

Samsung has also focused on battery life, allowing the SM-R3800 models to last several days on a single charge, depending on usage. This means users can rely on their devices for extended periods during workouts or while traveling, without the constant need for recharging.

A crucial aspect of these smartwatches is their customizable watch faces and interchangeable straps, which allow users to personalize their style while ensuring comfort during extended wear. The vibrant display offers clear visibility, making it easy to read notifications and track progress at a glance.

Moreover, the SM-R3800 series includes Samsung Health integration, providing users with a holistic view of their health metrics, including sleep tracking, stress management, and hydration levels. This feature encourages users to adopt healthier lifestyle choices by delivering valuable insights.

The splash resistance rating of the SM-R3800 models ensures durability, making them suitable for various environments and activities, whether in the gym or outdoors. With their blend of technology, style, and health features, the Samsung SM-R3800 series stands out as a formidable option for those seeking a reliable and fashionable fitness smartwatch.