Samsung SM-R3820ZKPXEF, SM-R3820ZKPDBT manual Zararlangan zaryadlash qurilmasidan foydalanmang


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Qurilma, batareya va zaryadlash qurilmasini zarar yetkazilishdan himoyalang

Qurilma yoki batareyani juda sovuq yoki juda issiq haroratda qoldirmang.

Judayam yuqori yoki past harorat qurilmaga zarar yetkazishi va qurilma va batareyaning xizmat qilish muddatini kamaytirishi mumkin.

Batareyani metal predmetlar bilan kontaktga kirishiga yo‘l qo‘ymang, chunki bu batareyaning + va – terminallari o‘rtasidagi tutashishni yuzaga keltiradi yoki batareyani zararlaydi.

Zararlangan zaryadlash qurilmasidan foydalanmang.

Qurilmangizni qizitish pechlari, mikroto‘lqinli pechlar, issiqlik yordamida pishirish uskunalari yoniga yoki katta bosimli saqlash idishlari ichiga qo‘ymang

Batareya ichidagi suyuqlik oqib ketishi mumkin.

Qurilmangiz qizib ketishi va natijada yonib ketishi mumkin.

Qurilmangizdan chang yoki havodagi mayda zarrachalar ko‘p to‘planadigan joylarda foydalanmang yoki uni bunday joylarda saqlamang

Chang yoki begona moddalar qurilmangizning noto‘g‘ri ishlashiga sabab bo‘lishi va yong‘in chiqishi yoki elektr toki urishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Ko‘p funksiyali uya va zaryadlash qurilmasi ingichka uchining suyuqliklar, chang, kukunlar va qalam grafitlari kabi o‘tkazuvchan moddalar bilan aloqaga kirishiga yo‘l qo‘ymang

Tok o‘tkazuvchi materiallar terminallarning zanglashiga olib kelishi mumkin, bu o‘z navbatida portlash yoki yong‘in chiqishiga sababchi bo‘lishi mumkin.

Qurilma yoki batareyani tishlamang yoki so‘rmang

Bunday qilish qurilmani buzishi, yong‘in chiqishi yoki portlashga olib kelishi mumkin.

Bolalar yoki hayvonlar mayda bo‘laklarni yutib yuborishi mumkin.

Agar bolalar qurilmadan foydalansa, uning to‘g‘ri ishlatilayotganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.


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Samsung SM-R3820ZKPXEF Zararlangan zaryadlash qurilmasidan foydalanmang, Qurilma yoki batareyani tishlamang yoki so‘rmang

SM-R3820ZKPITV, SM-R3820ZKAXEF, SM-R3820ZKASER, SM-R3820ZKPPHE, SM-R3820ZKPDBT specifications

The Samsung SM-R3820ZKPDBT and SM-R3820ZKAXEF are two variants of the Samsung Galaxy Fit, equipped with a range of features designed for fitness enthusiasts and casual users alike. These smartwatches are intent on proving that functionality and style can coexist.

One of the standout features of the Galaxy Fit is its impressive AMOLED display. The vivid colors and high contrast levels ensure that users can easily read notifications, track workouts, or view health metrics, even in bright sunlight. The display is also touch-sensitive, providing users with an intuitive user interface for easy navigation through various applications.

Health tracking is at the heart of the Galaxy Fit’s capabilities. Both variants are equipped with advanced sensors that monitor heart rate, track sleep patterns, and count steps. This comprehensive health monitoring allows users to gain insights into their daily activities and overall well-being. Additionally, the smartwatch supports various sports modes, making it ideal for users who engage in running, cycling, swimming, and more. The automatic workout detection feature recognizes specific activities, ensuring that users do not miss tracking valuable exercise sessions.

Durability is another essential aspect of the Galaxy Fit, as it comes with water resistance rated at IP68. This means users can wear it while swimming or showering without worry, making it a practical companion for active individuals. The long-lasting battery life further enhances the user experience, allowing for extended use between charges—a crucial factor for any wearable device.

Connectivity options are also significant, with the Galaxy Fit offering seamless integration with smartphones, enabling users to receive calls, messages, and app notifications directly on their wrists. The compatibility with both Android and iOS devices adds to its versatility, making it accessible for a broader audience.

The design of the Galaxy Fit is sleek and modern, available in various color options to cater to different preferences. Its lightweight build ensures comfort during prolonged wear, making it an ideal accessory for both everyday life and rigorous training sessions.

In conclusion, the Samsung SM-R3820ZKPDBT and SM-R3820ZKAXEF smartwatches are well-rounded devices that combine cutting-edge technology with practical features. With their focus on fitness tracking, durability, and smart connectivity, they offer an appealing choice for users looking to enhance their health and lifestyle through wearable technology.