Ushbu mahsulotdagi batareyalarni utilizatsiya qilish qoidalari

(Ajratilgan holda yig‘ish tizimiga ega bo‘lgan mamlakatlar uchun mo‘ljallangan)

Batareya, uning qo‘llanmasi yoki o‘ramidagi ushbu belgi shuni anglatadiki, bu mahsulotdagi batareya maishiy chiqindilar bilan birga tashlab yuborilmasligi lozim. Belgi qo‘yilganda, Hg, Cd yoki Pb kabi kimyoviy belgilar batareya tarkibida simob, kadmiy yoki

qo‘rg‘oshin miqdori EC Direktiv 2006/66 darajalaridan yuqoriligini bildiradi.

Ushbu mahsulot tarkibiga kiritilgan batareya foydalanuvchi tomonidan joylashtirish uchun mo‘ljallanmagan. Uni joylashtirish bo‘yicha ma’lumotlarni xizmat ta’minotchingizdan olishingiz mumkin. Batareyani olishga yoki uni olovga tashlashga urinmang. Batareyani qismlarga ajratmang. siqmang yoki teshmang. Agar Siz mahsulot tashlab yubormoqchi bo‘lsangiz, chiqindilarni yig‘ish joylarida mahsulotlarni, jumladan, batareyalarni ham, utilizatsiya qilish va qayta ishlash bo‘yicha tegishli choralar qo‘llaniladi.

Rad etish

Ushbu qurilma orqali ulanadigan ba’zi tarkib va xizmatlar uchinchi tomonga tegishli bo‘lib, ular mualliflik huquqi, patent, savdo belgisi va/yoki boshqa intellektual mulk haqidagi qonunlar bilan himoyalangan. Bunday tarkib va xizmatlar faqatgina shaxsiy notijorat maqsadida foydalanish uchun taqdim etiladi. Biror bir tarkib yoki xizmatdan uning egasi yoki ta’minotchisi tomonidan ruxsat etilmagan maqsadlarda foydalanishingiz mumkin emas. Yuqoridagilarga tayangan holda, agar tarkib egasi yoki xizmat ta’minotchisi ruxsat bermagan bo‘lsa, quyidagilarni bajarish ta‘qiqlanadi: ushbu qurilma orqali ko‘rsatilayotgan har qanday tarkib yoki xizmatni o‘zgartirish, nusxalash, qayta tahrirlash, yuklab olish, jo‘natish, boshqalarga o‘tkazish, tarjima qilish, sotish, ijodiy ishlarni yaratish, ta‘qiqlangan maqsadlarda foydalanish.


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Samsung SM-R7500ZKAILO, SM-R7500ZWASEB, SM-R7500ZKATPH, SM-R7500ZWADBT, SM-R7500ZKADBT, SM-R7500ZWATPH manual Rad etish

SM-R7500ZKANEE, SM-R7500ZKABGL, SM-R7500ZWAATO, SM-R7500ZKBNEE, SM-R7500ZWAAUT specifications

The Samsung SM-R7500ZKASEB and SM-R7500ZWASEB are part of the innovative Samsung Gear S3 series, designed to offer a powerful blend of smartwatch functionality and a stylish design. These smartwatches are equipped with advanced technologies and features that cater to both fitness enthusiasts and tech-savvy users.

One of the standout characteristics of the Gear S3 series is its robust design. The SM-R7500 models feature a durable stainless steel casing, making them resistant to everyday wear and tear. With an IP68 rating for water and dust resistance, these smartwatches can withstand splashes or immersion in water, making them suitable for various outdoor activities.

The Gear S3 also boasts a vibrant AMOLED display, delivering stunning visuals with vivid colors and deep contrasts. The always-on feature ensures that users can quickly glance at the time and notifications without having to wake the screen. This practicality enhances the user experience, especially in low-light conditions.

One of the highlights of the SM-R7500 models is their integration with health and fitness tracking capabilities. The onboard heart rate monitor allows users to track their heart rates during workouts, while the accelerometer and gyroscope provide detailed activity data. Whether you’re running, cycling, or simply walking, the Gear S3 can track your steps and calories burned, aiding in personal fitness goals.

Samsung's Tizen OS powers the watch, offering a seamless interface and access to a range of applications. Users can receive notifications, control music playback, and utilize various third-party apps directly from their wrist. The rotating bezel adds a unique navigation method that enhances usability, allowing users to scroll through menus with ease.

Battery life is another significant advantage of the Gear S3 series. With a capacity that can last up to three days on a single charge, users won’t have to worry about constant recharging, making it ideal for those with an active lifestyle.

The SM-R7500ZKASEB and SM-R7500ZWASEB smartwatches combine style, technology, and practicality, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their daily lives with wearable technology. Whether for fitness tracking, notifications, or simply a sophisticated look, these smartwatches stand out in a competitive market. Their features cater to a broad audience, ensuring versatility and user satisfaction.