
Owner: The owner account is created only when setting up the device for the first time, and cannot be created more than one. This account has full control of the device including user account management. You can add or delete user accounts only when using this account.

Guest: This account allows guests to access the device. Information and data used during a guest session is temporarily stored. Each time you use this account, you are asked whether to continue the previous guest session or reset it.

User: This account allows users to access their own apps and content, and customise the device settings that affect all accounts.

Adding users



On the Settings screen, tap Cloud and accounts Users.

Tap Add user OK SET UP NOW.

The device will switch to a new user account and the default locked screen will appear on the screen.

3 Unlock the device and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the account setup.

Switching users

Tap the user account icon at the top of the locked screen or the notification panel, and then select an account to switch to.

Locked screen

Notification panel