34_ cooking guide

Adding moisture

Microwave energy is attracted to water molecules. Food that is uneven in moisture content
should be covered or allowed to stand so that the heat disperses evenly. Add a small amount of
water to dry food to help it cook.


After covering a dish with plastic wrap, vent the plastic wrap by turning back one corner to let
excess steam escape.
Place the meat fat side down on a microwave-safe roasting rack in a microwave-safe dish. Use narrow
strips of aluminum foil to shield any bone tips or thin pieces of meat. Check the temperature in several
places before letting the meat stand the recommended time.
The following temperatures are the removal temperatures. The temperature of the food will rise during
standing time.
FooD Cooking time/power level instruCtions
7-11 min. / lb. for 145 °F - Rare
8-12 min. / lb. for 160 °F - Medium
9-14 min. / lb. for 170 °F - Well Done
Place the roast fat-side down on the
roasting rack and cover with wax
paper. Turn over halfway through the
cooking process. Let stand for 10 to
15 minutes.
High (0) for first 5 minutes, then Medium (5).
11-15 min. / lb. at 170 °F Well Done
Place the roast fat-side down on the
roasting rack and cover with wax
paper. Turn over halfway through
cooking process. Let stand for 10 to
15 minutes.
High (0) for first 5 minutes, then Medium (5).
Expect a 10 °F rise in temperature during the standing time.
FooD remove From oven AFter stAnDing (10 min.)
beef Rare 135 °F 145 °F
medium 150 °F 160 °F
WellDone 160 °F 170 °F
Pork medium 150 °F 160 °F
WellDone 160 °F 170 °F
Poultry Darkmeat 170 °F 180 °F
Lightmeat 160 °F 170 °F
SMH9187_XAA-03640A-01_EN.indd 34 2009-08-27 �� 11:21:38