P/T Setting
①Pan/Tilt Limit
②Area Setting
③Area Masking
Prop. P/T ON
Digital Flip ON
Image Hold OFF
⑦Auto Track1
⑧Auto Track2
Main Menu
①Camera Setting
②Sequence Setting
③P/T Setting
④OSD Setting
⑤Alarm Setting
Auto Track 2
①Zone Setting
Indicator OFF
Target Lock OFF
Zone 1
②Mode MASK
Track Zone
①Zone 1
②Zone 2
③Zone 3
④Zone 4
⑤Zone 5
⑥Zone 6
⑦Zone 7
⑧Zone 8
This function is available only with the SPD-3700T.
Auto Track 2 provides Auto Track related settings other than
the ones programmed in the Auto Track 1 menu.
Zone Setting :
- Position : Enables designating certain areas as zones for
the Auto Track operation. The setting procedures
are the same as for Area Mask.
- Mode : Two modes are available: Mask and Alarm. When
Mask is selected, the camera does not follow the
object entering the masked zone. This is useful if
the camera catches swaying objects such as tree
branches and flags during the Auto Track peration.
When Alarm is selected, the camera activates an
alarm if an object enters the zone.
- On/Off : Activates or deactivates the Zone function.
Indicator :
Indicates objects with icons on the screen.
- Off : Disables the Indicator function.
- On : Indicates both the pointer and target.
- Pointer : Indicates the indicator when following an object
using the joystick; shows as a cross in the center
of the screen.
23. Auto Track 2 (SPD-3700T Only)▶Main Menu/P/T Setting/Auto Track2
Functional Description Functional Description
- Target : Indicates the camera’s target for the Auto Track operation; when a moving object is
detected, a square grid appears and surrounds the object.
Target Lock :
Target Lock is useful to select and follow an object using the Auto Track mode while operating
the camera with the joystick. Target Lock can be turned On or Off.
To activate the Auto Track mode, turn on Target Lock, select an object to follow, and then press
•AutoTrackisspecificallyto trackdownintruders.Thus,itmaynotbesuitabletomonitora
•Ifthecamera lensis smearedwithforeign substancesor isscratched,an errormay
occur causing the camera to not behave as expected.
•Thecameramay notfollowan objector trackingerrorsmay occurunder thefollowing
∙ If the contrast between an object and the background is low
∙ If the camera lens is smeared with foreign substances, e.g. raindrops or snowflakes
∙ If the lighting is changing dramatically
∙ If many movements around an object are detected
∙ If an object moves vertically on the optic angle of the camera
∙ If an object passes directly under the camera
∙ If an object creates inconsistent light levels, e.g. the object is too shiny or flickering
∙ In environments where there are light reflections causing internal reflections of camera,
e.g. windows, shiny road surfaces, and backlights
∙ If an object moves behind large and tall objects, e.g. telephone poles
∙ If an object moves too quickly
∙ If the camera is vibrating