●● HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface – Augstas izšķirtspējas multivides saskarne)

HDMI ir metode, kā pārraidīt gan video, gan audio signālu caur vienu kabeli.

●● Dinamiskās vai statiskās IP adreses

Ja tīklam ir nepieciešama dinamiska IP adrese, jāizmanto ADSL modems vai maršrutētājs, kas atbalsta Dinamisko resursdatora konfigurācijas protokolu (DHCP). Modemi un maršrutētāji, kas atbalsta DHCP, automātiski nodrošina IP adreses, apakštīkla maskas, vārtejas un DNS vērtības, kas televizoram nepieciešamas, lai piekļūtu internetam, tāpēc šī informācija nav jāievada manuāli. Lielākā daļa mājas tīklu izmanto dinamisko IP adresi.

Ja tīklam ir nepieciešama statiska IP adrese, tīkla savienojuma iestatīšanas laikā ir manuāli jāievada IP adreses, apakštīkla maskas, vārtejas un DNS vērtības. Lai uzzinātu IP adreses, apakštīkla maskas, vārtejas un DNS vērtības, sazinieties ar interneta pakalpojuma sniedzēju (IPS).

Ja tīklam ir nepieciešama statiskā IP adrese, izmantojiet ADSL modemu, kas atbalsta DHCP. ADSL modemi, kas atbalsta DHCP, ļauj izmantot arī statiskas IP adreses.

●● Bluetooth

Bluetooth ir īsas distances bezvadu sakaru protokols, kas ļauj apmainīties ar informāciju starp savienotiem mobilajiem telefoniem, klēpjdatoriem, ausīs ievietojamām austiņām un austiņām un Bluetooth-saderīgām ierīcēm. Parasti šis protokols tiek izmantots zema strāvas patēriņa bezvadu sakariem ar ļoti īsu attālumu diapazonā līdz 10 m.

●● Ethernet

Ethernet ir LAN (lokālais tīkls), kas izmanto IEEE standartizētus koaksiālos kabeļus.

●● Komponentu savienojums

Komponentu savienojumi parasti tiek izmantoti spēļu konsolēs, un tie pārraida video signālu, sadalot to spožuma signālā (Y) un divos krāsu signālos (Pb un Pr). Šis savienotājs televizora aizmugurē ir atzīmēts kā [Component IN]_(Pr, Pb, Y). Atsevišķās ierīcēs tas dažreiz ir atzīmēts kā Cr, Cb, Y. Cb un Cr ir Pb un Pr signālu digitālās konversijas.

Savienotāji parasti ir atzīmēti ar krāsām – sarkana (R), zila (B) un zaļa (G) – un nodrošina vislabāko iespējamo attēla kvalitāti analogajam savienojumam.

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Samsung UE43J5502AKXXH, UE40J6250SUXZG, UE60J6250SUXZG, UE50J6250SUXZG, UE55J6250SUXZG, UE48J6250SUXZG, UE32J6250SUXZG Ethernet

UE43J5672SUXXH, UE50J6282SUXXH, UE32J6202AKXXH, UE60J6202AKXXH, UE40J6202AKXXH specifications

Samsung has long been a pioneer in the television industry, consistently delivering innovative and high-quality products. The UE55J6370SUXXN, UE40J6350SUXZG, UE48J6350SUXZG, UE55J6370SUXXC, and UE32J6350SUXZG are impressive models that embody the brand’s commitment to superior technology and user experience.

The Samsung UE55J6370SUXXN is a 55-inch Full HD television that brings entertainment to life with crystal-clear picture quality. One of its key features is the PurColor technology, which enhances color accuracy, making images more vibrant and realistic. Alongside this, the Wide Color Enhancer feature improves the overall picture quality by analyzing and refining each pixel. Furthermore, the television offers Smart TV capabilities, allowing users to access a plethora of streaming services, apps, and games seamlessly via Wi-Fi connectivity.

For those looking for a more compact option, the UE40J6350SUXZG and UE48J6350SUXZG models provide the same cutting-edge technology in a smaller 40-inch and 48-inch format, respectively. Both models utilize Samsung’s Micro Dimming Pro technology, which enhances contrast across the screen for deeper blacks and brighter whites, providing a more immersive viewing experience.

Moving on to the UE55J6370SUXXC, this 55-inch model is designed with a sleek, modern aesthetic that will complement any living space. It maintains the same impressive features as its counterparts, such as Smart Hub, which provides a user-friendly interface for easy navigation through channels, apps, and devices. The inclusion of a quad-core processor ensures smooth multitasking and enhanced performance across all applications.

Lastly, the UE32J6350SUXZG presents a compact 32-inch option ideal for smaller rooms or as a secondary television. Despite its size, it retains the core features of the J6350 series, including Full HD resolution and Smart TV functionality, ensuring that users can enjoy their favorite shows, movies, and games without compromise.

Overall, the Samsung UE55J6370SUXXN, UE40J6350SUXZG, UE48J6350SUXZG, UE55J6370SUXXC, and UE32J6350SUXZG televisions represent a blend of cutting-edge technology, sleek designs, and user-friendly features. These models are perfect for any home setting, catering to different size requirements while ensuring a premium viewing experience.