Pričvršćivanje televizora na postolje

Provjerite imate li sve prikazane dodatke, a postolje trebate sastaviti slijedeći priložene upute za sastavljanje.

Sigurnosne mjere opreza: Postavljanje televizora na zid

Oprez: Potezanje, guranje ili penjanje na televizor može uzrokovati njegov pad. Naročito pripazite da se djeca ne ljuljaju na televizoru i da ga ne destabiliziraju. To može dovesti do prevrtanja televizora i rezultirati ozbiljnim ozljedama ili smrću. Slijedite sve sigurnosne upute navedene u sigurnosnom letku koji je isporučen s televizorom. Radi povećanja stabilnosti i sigurnosti montirajte uređaj protiv pada kao što je opisano u nastavku.

Sprječavanje pada televizora

Ovo su općenite upute. Tvrtka Samsung ne isporučuje kopče, vijke i kabel. To se mora odvojeno kupiti. Preporučujemo da za postavljanja specifičnog hardvera i hardvera za sprječavanje pada kontaktirate servis za montiranje ili profesionalnog montažera televizora.

1.Vijke umetnite u kopče i dobro ih pričvrstite na zid. Provjerite jesu li vijci čvrsto postavljeni na zid.

-- Ovisno o vrsti zida, možda će vam zatrebati dodatni materijal, poput kotve.

2. Izvadite vijke iz središnjeg dijela na stražnjoj strani televizora, umetnite ih u kopče i zatim ponovo zategnite vijke u televizor.

-- Vijci možda nisu isporučeni iz proizvod. U tom slučaju nabavite vijke sa sljedećim specifikacijama.

3.Kopče pričvršćene na stražnjoj strani televizora i kopče pričvršćene na zid povežite snažnom izdržljivom uzicom i zatim je čvrsto zavežite.

-- Televizor postavite blizu zida kako ne bi pao prema natrag.

-- Povežite uzicu tako da kopče pričvršćene na zid budu na istoj ili nižoj visini od kopči pričvršćenih na stražnjoj strani televizora.

-- Prije premještanja televizora odvežite kabel.

4.Provjerite jesu li svi spojevi ispravno pričvršćeni. Povremeno provjerite spojeve i potražite znakove zamora materijala ili oštećenja. Ako sumnjate u sigurnost spojeva, obratite se profesionalnom montažeru.

Hrvatski - 12

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Samsung UE55J6370SUXXN manual Pričvršćivanje televizora na postolje, Sigurnosne mjere opreza Postavljanje televizora na zid

UE48J6370SUXXN, UE55J6302AKXXH, UE32J6302AKXXH, UE40J6370SUXXC, UE48J6300AWXZF specifications

Samsung has long been a pioneer in the television industry, consistently delivering innovative and high-quality products. The UE55J6370SUXXN, UE40J6350SUXZG, UE48J6350SUXZG, UE55J6370SUXXC, and UE32J6350SUXZG are impressive models that embody the brand’s commitment to superior technology and user experience.

The Samsung UE55J6370SUXXN is a 55-inch Full HD television that brings entertainment to life with crystal-clear picture quality. One of its key features is the PurColor technology, which enhances color accuracy, making images more vibrant and realistic. Alongside this, the Wide Color Enhancer feature improves the overall picture quality by analyzing and refining each pixel. Furthermore, the television offers Smart TV capabilities, allowing users to access a plethora of streaming services, apps, and games seamlessly via Wi-Fi connectivity.

For those looking for a more compact option, the UE40J6350SUXZG and UE48J6350SUXZG models provide the same cutting-edge technology in a smaller 40-inch and 48-inch format, respectively. Both models utilize Samsung’s Micro Dimming Pro technology, which enhances contrast across the screen for deeper blacks and brighter whites, providing a more immersive viewing experience.

Moving on to the UE55J6370SUXXC, this 55-inch model is designed with a sleek, modern aesthetic that will complement any living space. It maintains the same impressive features as its counterparts, such as Smart Hub, which provides a user-friendly interface for easy navigation through channels, apps, and devices. The inclusion of a quad-core processor ensures smooth multitasking and enhanced performance across all applications.

Lastly, the UE32J6350SUXZG presents a compact 32-inch option ideal for smaller rooms or as a secondary television. Despite its size, it retains the core features of the J6350 series, including Full HD resolution and Smart TV functionality, ensuring that users can enjoy their favorite shows, movies, and games without compromise.

Overall, the Samsung UE55J6370SUXXN, UE40J6350SUXZG, UE48J6350SUXZG, UE55J6370SUXXC, and UE32J6350SUXZG televisions represent a blend of cutting-edge technology, sleek designs, and user-friendly features. These models are perfect for any home setting, catering to different size requirements while ensuring a premium viewing experience.