
There is something
wrong with the TV. Try this!
Some application
content only appears
in English. How can I
change the language?
The application content language may be different from the user interface
language. The ability to change the language depends on the service provider.
Some application
services do not work.
Check with the service provider.
Refer to the help section on the application service provider's website.

Photos, Videos & Music

There is something
wrong with the TV. Try this!
Some files can't be
played back.
This problem may occur with high-bitrate files. Most files can be played back, but
you might experience problems with high-bitrate files.

Reset the Personal Info and TV settings

Reset Type Navigation Description
TV settings Reset
가상리모컨¤ > Menum >
Support > Self Diagnosis
> Reset
Reset all the settings (Picture, Sound, Broadcasting and
Smart Hub, etc), excluding the network settings, to factory
Smart Hub Reset
가상리모컨¤ > Menum >
Smart Features > Smart
Hub Reset
Reset all saved information relating to Samsung accounts
and linked service accounts, as well as Smart Hub service
agreements and applications.