1.. ReadUzmanīgiall nstructionsizlasīt pamācībucarefully. Pirms. Beforeieslēgšanasswitchingpārliecināties,on, make surekathatstrāvasthe avotavoltagevoltāžaof youratbilstelectricitytai, kassupplynorādītais theuz putekļusūcējasame as that indicatedapakšā esošāson the rating etiķetesplate .on the bottom of the cleaner.

Brīdinājums:2.Neizmantototputekļusūcēju,kakapaklājsvaivaigrīdagrīdair slapjiirslapji. .

2.2WARNI.NING:DoDonotnotuseusethethevacuumcleanerwhenwhenrugrugorfloorflooris iswetwet. .

Neizmantototūdensūdensiesūkšanaii. .

Do not use to suck up water.

3. Šī iekārta nav paredzēta tam, lai to izmantotu bērni vai cilvēki ar

attīstības traucējumiem, ja nu vienīgi atbildīgas personas uzraudzībā, lai

3. This appliance is not intended for use by young persons or infirm persons nodrošinātu drošu darbošanos ar iekārtu. Mazi bērni jāuzrauga, lai neļautu without supervision unless they have been adequately supervised by a

viņiem rotaļāties ar iekārtu.

responsible person to ensure that they can use the appliance safely.

4. Neizmantot putekļusūcēju bez putekļu savācamā maisiņa. Lai saglabātu Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the

iekārtas maksimālu efektivitāti, nomainīt putekļu maisiņu, pirms tas ir līdz appliance.

galam pilns.

5.Neizmantot putekļusūcēju, lai savāktu sērkociņus, siltus pelnus vai ciga-

4.Do not use the vacuum cleaner without a dust bag. Replace the dust bag

rešu izsmēķus. Neglabāt putekļusūcēju krāsns vai cita karstuma avota before it is full in order to maintain the best efficiency.

tuvumā. Karstums var deformēt korpusu un bojāt krāsojumu.

56.. DoAr putekļusūcējunot use the vacuumnevajadzētucleanersavāktto pickasus,up matches,cietus priekšmetus,live ashes orjocigarettetie var

bojātbuttsputekļusūcēja. Keep the vacuumdetaļascleaner. Nekāptawayun nestāvētfrom stovesuz šļūtenesand otheriekārtasheat sources. . NeliktHeatuzcanšļūtenesd formsmagusand discolourpriekšmetusthe plastic. Nenobloķētparts of theiesūkšanasunit. vai

izplūdes atveres.

6. Avoid picking up hard, sharp objects with the vacuum cleaner as they may 7. Pirms atvienot no strāvas avota, vispirms putekļusūcēju izslēgt ar tā

damage the cleaner parts. Do not stand on the hose assembly. Do not put a korpusā esošo slēdzi. Nevilkt aiz elektrības vada, lai atvienotu no strāvas

weight on the hose. Do not block the suction or the exhaustion part. avota. Pirms uzsākt filtra apkopi, pārliecināties, ka putekļusūcēja vads

atvienots no strāvas avota.

7. Switch the vacuum cleaner off at the machine before unplugging from the

8. Pirms iekārtas tīrīšanas vai apkopes tā obligāti jāatvieno no strāvas electrical outlet. Do not pull on the cord to disconnect the plug from the


electrical outlet. Ensure that it is disconnected before attending to the filter.

9. Pagarinātāja izmantošana nav vēlama.

810. The. Ja putekļusūcējslug must be removednedarbojas,fromthenākas,socketizslēgtout-lettobeforeun konsultētiescleaning orar autorizētumaintainingapkopesthe appliancespeciālistu. .

11. Ja strāvas vads ir bojāts, tas jānomaina ražotājam vai tā apkopes 9. The use of an extension cord is not recommended. speciālistam, vai arī kādai citai attiecīgi kvalificētai personai, tādējādi

izvairoties no nelaimes.

10. If your vacuum cleaner is not operating correctly, switch off the power supply 12. Putekļusūcējs ir aprīkots ar automātisku termoslēdzi, kas pārkaršanas

and consult an authorized service agent.

gadījumā iekārtu automātiski izslēdz. Pārkaršanas iemesls var būt

11nobloķēts. If the supplyfiltrs, uzgalis,cord damagcauruled,vaiit šļūtenemust be. Pēcreplacedtam, bykadtheiemeslsmanufacturerir or its likvidētsserviceunagentmotorsor atdzisis,a similarlyputekļusūcējsqualified personautomātiskiin order ieslēgsiesto avoid a. hazard.

12. The vacuum cleaner is provided with a self-resetting thermal cut-out which


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Samsung VCC4046V3S/SBW, VCC4046V36/XSB, VCC4046V3S/XSB, VCC4023S3K/SBW, VCC4023S3B/XEV manual Do not use to suck up water

VCC4046V36/XSB, VCC4046V3S/XEV, VCC4047V3R/SBW, VCC4023S3B/XEV, VCC4046V3S/XSB specifications

Samsung's VCC series of robotic vacuum cleaners has made a significant impact in the realm of home cleaning technology, with models like the VCC4046V3S/SBW, VCC4047V3R/XEV, VCC4047V3R/XSB, VCC4047V35/XSB, and VCC4046V3S/XSB leading the charge in performance and innovation. These advanced devices reflect the company's commitment to quality, ease of use, and cutting-edge technology.

The VCC4046V3S/SBW model boasts a powerful suction capability, ensuring the effective removal of dust and debris from various surfaces. Its innovative brush design allows for better handling of pet hair and larger particles, making it a perfect companion for pet owners. With a sleek and compact design, it seamlessly navigates through tight spaces, ensuring that every corner of the home receives thorough cleaning.

Meanwhile, the VCC4047V3R/XEV and VCC4047V3R/XSB models take things a step further with their enhanced navigation systems. Utilizing advanced sensors and smart mapping technology, these vacuums can create efficient cleaning paths, avoiding obstacles and adapting to changes in the environment. The inclusion of multiple cleaning modes provides users the flexibility to choose the most suitable option for different areas of their homes.

The VCC4047V35/XSB features an extended battery life, allowing for longer cleaning sessions without the need for frequent recharging. This model is designed for larger homes, ensuring that every inch is covered, thanks to its ability to return to the charging station when the battery runs low.

All VCC models incorporate user-friendly interfaces, often complemented by smartphone connectivity, enabling users to schedule cleanings, monitor performance, and customize settings from anywhere. The ease of use, combined with sophisticated filtration systems, ensures that these vacuums not only clean efficiently but also contribute to a healthier home environment by trapping allergens and fine particles.

The overall build quality of these models emphasizes durability, ensuring that customers can enjoy long-lasting performance. With their combination of advanced features, technological enhancements, and user-centric designs, the Samsung VCC4046V3S/SBW, VCC4047V3R/XEV, VCC4047V3R/XSB, VCC4047V35/XSB, and VCC4046V3S/XSB stand out in the crowded market of robotic vacuum cleaners, setting new standards in convenience and cleaning power. These vacuums are not just cleaning devices; they symbolize a step towards smarter and more efficient home maintenance solutions.