1.Rp¥gi izlasiet visus norÇd¥jumus. Pirms putek∫scïja ieslïgšanas pÇrliecinieties, vai spriegums jsu elektrot¥klÇ ir tÇds pats, kÇ norÇd¥ts datu plÇtnï ier¥ces apakšda∫Ç.

2.BR±DINÅJUMS. Neizmantojiet putek∫scïju mitru paklÇju un gr¥du uzkopšanai. Neizmantojiet putek∫scïju dens savÇkšanai.

3.Ja mÇjsaimniec¥bas ier¥ces tiek lietotas bïrnu tuvumÇ vai tÇs izmanto paši bïrni, arvien nepieciešams tos rp¥gi pieskat¥t. Ne∫aujiet ar putek∫scïju rota∫Çties. Nekad neatstÇjiet ieslïgtu putek∫scïju bez uzraudz¥bas. Izmantojiet putek∫scïju tikai atbilstoši šeit sniegtajiem norÇd¥jumiem un tikai tÇm vajadz¥bÇm, kam tas paredzïts.

4.Neizmantojiet putek∫scïju, ja tajÇ nav ievietota putek∫u tilpne. Lai nodrošinÇtu optimÇlu putek∫scïja darb¥bu, arvien iztukšojiet putek∫u tilpni, iekams tÇ piln¥gi piepild¥ta.

5.Pirms pievienot putek∫scïja vadu elektr¥bas kontaktligzdai, poga jÇpab¥da Stop (vai Min) poz¥cijÇ.

6.Neizmantojiet putek∫scïju, lai savÇktu sïrkoci¿us, kvïlojošus pelnus un izsmïÞus. Sekojiet, lai putek∫scïjs neatrastos pavardu un citu karstuma avotu tuvumÇ. Putek∫scïja plastmasas deta∫as karstuma ietekmï var deformïties un zaudït krÇsu.

7.Izvairieties no putek∫scïja izmantošanas cietu, asu priekšmetu savÇkšanai, jo tie var bojÇt ier¥ci. NekÇpiet uz putek∫scïja š∫tenes. Nenovietojiet uz š∫tenes smagus priekšmetus. Nenosprostojiet iepldes un izpldes atveres.

8.Pirms putek∫scïja atvienošanas no elektrot¥kla izslïdziet ier¥ci, izmantojot slïdzi uz tÇs korpusa. Pirms putek∫u maisi¿u un putek∫u tvert¿u nomai¿as iz¿emiet putek∫scïja kontaktdakšu no kontaktligzdas. Lai nepie∫autu bojÇjumus, atvienošanu veiciet, satverot un pavelkot kontaktdakšu, nevis elektrokabeli.

9.Šo iekÇrtu nav paredzïts lietot personÇm (ieskaitot bïrnus) ar ierobežotÇm fiziskÇm, jutek∫u vai gar¥gajÇm spïjÇm vai bez pieredzes un zinÇšanÇm, ja vien vi¿i neatrodas citas, par vi¿u droš¥bu atbild¥gas personas uzraudz¥bÇ vai ar¥ š¥ persona vi¿us apmÇca, kÇ lietot šo iekÇrtu. It ¥paši ir jÇuzrauga bïrni, lai vi¿i nespïlïtos ar sadz¥ves tehniku.

10.Pirms ier¥ces t¥r¥šanas un apkopes tÇ jÇatvieno no kontaktligzdas.

11.Lietot pagarinÇtÇja elektrokabeli nav ieteicams.

12.Ja putek∫scïjs pienÇc¥gi nedarbojas, atvienojiet to no elektrot¥kla un konsultïjieties ar ražotÇja pilnvarotu tehniskÇs apkopes uz¿ïmumu.

13.Ja bojÇts elektrokabelis, tas jÇnomaina ražotÇjam, tÇ pilnvarotam tehniskÇs apkopes uz¿ïmumam vai kÇdam citam pienÇc¥gas kvalifikÇcijas speciÇlistam, lai nepie∫autu nekÇdu risku tÇlÇkÇ ekspluatÇcijÇ.

14.NepÇrnïsÇjiet putek∫scïju, turot to aiz š∫tenes. Izmantojiet šim nolkam putek∫scïja rokturi.


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VCC4325S3K/XSB, VCC4325S3R/XSB, VCC4325S3R/SBW, VCC4325S3K/SBW specifications

Samsung has consistently pushed the boundaries of technology with its innovative product line, and the vacuum cleaner models VCC4325S31/RVC, VCC4325S3K/SBW, VCC4325S3R/KSB, VCC4325S3K/KSB, and VCC4350V3R/XEV are prime examples of this commitment. These models embody advanced technology and efficiency, making them essential appliances in modern households.

One of the standout features across these models is their powerful suction capability, which is driven by Samsung’s cutting-edge motor technology. This ensures that dirt and debris are effectively captured from a variety of surfaces, whether it's carpets, hardwood floors, or upholstery. The high-efficiency filtration system helps in trapping allergens and dust particles, contributing to a cleaner indoor environment.

The VCC4325 series models, including the VCC4325S31/RVC and VCC4325S3K/SBW, boast ergonomic designs that facilitate ease of use. Their lightweight structure and easy maneuverability make them suitable for extended cleaning sessions without causing fatigue. Furthermore, these vacuum cleaners are equipped with a range of attachments, including crevice tools and dusting brushes, allowing users to clean hard-to-reach areas and various surfaces effectively.

In terms of technological enhancements, many of the VCC4325 and VCC4350 models feature Samsung’s innovative cyclone technology. This technology is designed to maintain strong suction power even as the dirt container fills up, ensuring that the vacuum remains efficient throughout its operation. The dirt containers are also designed for easy removal and cleaning, making maintenance simple.

Another notable characteristic is the noise reduction technology incorporated into these vacuum cleaners. This feature allows for quieter operation, meaning users can clean at any time of the day without disturbing others in the household. The energy-efficient design of these models ensures lower electricity consumption, making them environmentally friendly choices.

In summary, Samsung’s VCC4325S31/RVC, VCC4325S3K/SBW, VCC4325S3R/KSB, VCC4325S3K/KSB, and VCC4350V3R/XEV vacuum cleaners stand out for their robust suction performance, ergonomic design, advanced filtration systems, and innovative technologies. These features not only enhance cleaning efficiency but also contribute positively to the overall user experience, setting a high standard in the vacuum cleaner market. With these models, Samsung continues to deliver quality and performance, making them an excellent choice for households seeking effective cleaning solutions.