Samsung WD7101CKW/XEO, WD7101CKW/YLE, WD7101CKW/XEH manual Vlastnosti


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1.Funkcia Air wash

Funkcia Air wash pomôže odstrániť akékoľvek nepríjemné pachy z bielizne, prípadne znížiť potrebu suchého čistenia.

Sterilizácia proti baktériám: Sterilizáciou je možné odstrániť prakticky všetky baktérie alebo roztoče v posteľnej bielizni, keď nie je efektívne pranie vo vode.

2.Antibakteriálny systém Silver nano (Ag+)

Funkcia Silver Nano od spoločnosti Samsung využíva nanočastice striebra pre úpravu a dezinfikovanie vašej bielizne a tiež bubna vašej práčky. Jemná bielizeň ako aj zapáchajúce ponožky budú zbavené zápachu a ľudského potu už pri nízkej teplote 30˚C. Týmto dochádza k výraznej úspore energie a chránia sa tiež farby a tvar vášho oblečenia.

3.Od prania až po sušenie jediným tlačidlom

Čas sušenia môžete navoliť manuálne. Zariadenie je vybavené automatickým snímačom optimálne suchého stavu. Toto riešenie vám umožňuje vykonať celý cyklus prania, vrátane cyklu sušenia, pomocou jediného tlačidla.

4.Child Lock (Detská poistka)

Funkcia detskej poistky nedovolí zvedavým ručičkám malých detí meniť nastavenia práčky. Táto bezpečnostná funkcia zaisťuje, že deti sa nebudú hrať s ovládaním práčky.

Taktiež vás upozorní, keď sa aktivuje.

5.Energy-Saving (Úspora energie)

Ekonomický cyklus umožňuje veľkej automatickej práčke aby sa pri praní menšej dávky bielizne správala ako menší model a používala menej vody, pracieho prostriedku a elektriny.

6.Delay End (Oneskorené ukončenie prania)

Táto funkcia umožní užívateľovi oneskoriť čas ukončenia pracieho cyklu až o 24 hodín.

2_ Vlastnosti

WD7101CKW-02502E-01_SK.indd 2

2007-11-09 ¿ÀÈÄ 3:24:53

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Samsung WD7101CKW/XEO, WD7101CKW/YLE, WD7101CKW/XEH manual Vlastnosti

WD7101CKW/YLE, WD7101CKW/XEO, WD7101CKW/XEH specifications

The Samsung WD7101CKW/XEH, WD7101CKC/YLE, and WD7101CKW/YLE are advanced washing machine models that exemplify Samsung's commitment to innovation and quality in home appliances. These models are designed to offer superior cleaning performance while ensuring convenience and energy efficiency for modern households.

One of the standout features of the WD7101 series is its all-in-one washer-dryer design. This allows users to wash and dry their laundry in a single unit, making it ideal for homes with limited space. The large drum capacity ensures that even bulky items like blankets and comforters can be accommodated without any issues, allowing for more laundry to be completed in fewer loads.

Samsung has incorporated its Eco Bubble technology into these models, which generates bubbles that penetrate fabric more effectively during the wash cycle. This means that less detergent is needed, while still achieving excellent cleaning results. The Eco Bubble feature is particularly beneficial for cold washes, as it helps to reduce energy consumption without compromising on performance.

Another notable technology is the Digital Inverter Motor, which powers the washer-dryer with enhanced efficiency and durability. This motor operates with lower noise levels and vibrations compared to conventional motors, making laundry less disruptive in a home environment. Additionally, the Digital Inverter Motor comes with a robust warranty, providing users with peace of mind regarding the unit's long-term performance.

The WD7101 models also feature a variety of intelligent washing programs and options that cater to diverse fabric types and user preferences. With settings specifically designed for delicate garments, quick wash cycles, and eco-friendly options, users can customize their laundry experience to meet their needs.

For added convenience, these Samsung washer-dryers come equipped with smart technology. Users can control and monitor their laundry remotely through a smartphone app, allowing them to start and stop cycles, gain insight into energy usage, and receive notifications when cycles are complete.

Safety features such as child lock and leakage detection ensure that these machines are suitable for families with children and protect the home from water damage. With sleek designs and user-friendly interfaces, the Samsung WD7101CKW/XEH, WD7101CKC/YLE, and WD7101CKW/YLE ultimately combine advanced technologies with practicality, making them a top choice for those seeking efficiency and performance in laundry care.