Skalbini˜ skalbimas

Skalbimas, naudojant programos pasirinkimo ratukà

Js˜ naujoji skalbimo ma‰ina lengvai valdoma, naudojant Samsung “Fuzzy Logic” automatinòs kontrolòs sistemà. Pasirinkus skalbimo programà, ma‰ina automati‰kai nustatys tinkamà temperatrà, skalbimo laikà ir skalbimo greit∞.

Noròdami skalbti, naudodami Fuzzy Logic programas:

1.Atsukite prausyklòs vandens ãiaupà.

2.Paspauskite mygtukà (∞j. / i‰j.).

3.Atidarykite dureles.

4.Sudòkite skalbinius visus i‰ karto laisvai ∞ bgnà neprikim‰dami per daug.

5.UÏdarykite dureles.

6.Supilkite skalbimo priemon´, mink‰tikl∞, paruo‰iamojo skalbimo priemon´ (jei reikia) ∞ atitinkamus skyrelius.

Pastaba: paruo‰iamuoju skalbimu galima skalbti tik patalyn´, rank‰luosãius, uÏuolaidas, medviln´, spalvotus skalbinius, sintetikà ir delikaãius skalbinius. Jis reikalingas tik tada, kai skalbiniai smarkiai i‰purvinti.

7.Pasukite program˜ valdymo rankenòl´, pasirinkdami reikiamà programà pagal

audinio tipà: Cotton (medvilnò), Coloureds (spalvoti), Synthetics (skalbiniai), Delicates (delikats),

Wool (vilna), Hand Wash (skalbimas rankomis), Quick (greitas skalbimas), Rinse+Spin (skalauti + gr´Ïti),

Spin (gr´Ïti), Drain (nupylimas),

Daily Wash (∞prastas skalbimas), Baby Cotton (baby medvilnò),

Heavy Soil (dideli ne‰varumai), Bed Linen (lininò patalynò)

ØsiÏiebs atitinkamas indikatorius valdymo panelòje.

8.·iuo metu galite pareguliuoti temperatrà, gr´Ïimo kartus, gr´Ïimo greit∞, delsimo laikà, paspausdami atitinkamus mygtukus.

9.Paspauskite mygtukà pradÏia / pauzò ant program˜ valdymo ratuko, ir prasidòs skalbimo ciklas. Valdymo panelòje ∞siÏiebs proceso indikatorius ir pasirodys lik´s iki skalbimo pabaigos laikas.

Pasibaigus ciklui:

Pasibaigus ciklui, maitinimas i‰sijungs automati‰kai.

1.Atidarykite dureles.

Pastaba: dureli˜ nepavyks atidaryti, kol nepraeis 3 minutòs nuo tos akimirkos, kai skalbimo ma‰ina baigs ciklà arba i‰sijungs maitinimas.

2.I‰imkite skalbinius.

SAMSUNG Skalbimo ma‰inos vartotojo instrukcijos 9

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Samsung WF6450S7W/YLP Skalbimas, naudojant programos pasirinkimo ratukà, Spin gr´Ïti, Drain nupylimas, Pasibaigus ciklui

WF6450S7W/YLP, WF7350S7V/YLR, WF6458S7W/YLW, WF7350S7V/YLW, WF6458S7W/YLP specifications

Samsung has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation in home appliances, and their washing machines are no exception. Among the standout models are the Samsung WF6458S7W/YLR, WF7350S7V/YLP, WF6520S7W/YLW, WF6520S7W/YLP, and WF6522S7W/YLR. Each of these machines comes packed with features and technologies designed to elevate the laundry experience.

The Samsung WF6458S7W/YLR is a front-load washer that boasts a generous capacity, allowing users to wash more clothes in one go. One of its key features is the EcoBubble technology, which generates bubbles that penetrate fabrics quicker, ensuring a gentle but effective clean. This model also includes a Wide Drum design that enhances wash performance by optimizing the space for water and detergent. Additionally, its digital inverter motor minimizes noise and energy consumption, making laundry day less intrusive.

The WF7350S7V/YLP model takes washing to a new level with its innovative AddWash door, enabling users to add items mid-cycle without interrupting the wash. This convenience is perfect for busy households that need flexibility. Like the WF6458S7W/YLR, it also employs EcoBubble technology to provide superior cleaning while being energy efficient. This model’s Super Speed feature offers thorough washes in as little as 39 minutes, making it ideal for those short on time.

On the other hand, the WF6520S7W/YLW and WF6520S7W/YLP models share many similarities, including a sleek design and advanced features like the Smart Control capability. Users can control and monitor their wash cycles via a smartphone app, offering unmatched convenience. Additionally, these models are equipped with a Self Clean feature that keeps the drum fresh and free from contaminants.

Finally, the WF6522S7W/YLR model introduces a higher spin speed, ensuring that clothes come out drier and reduce drying times overall. The built-in Digital Smart Sensor detects the optimal wash conditions for each load, conserving water and energy while maximizing cleanliness.

In summary, Samsung's WF6458S7W/YLR, WF7350S7V/YLP, WF6520S7W/YLW, WF6520S7W/YLP, and WF6522S7W/YLR models offer cutting-edge technology and user-friendly features that redefine laundry convenience and efficiency. From energy-saving innovations to smart connectivity, these washing machines are tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern households.