Samsung WF8502FFC/YLR manual Netīrumu Filtra Tīrīšana, Ūdens Caurules Sieta Filtra Tīrīšana

Models: WF8502FFC/YLR

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Iesakām tīrīt netīrumu filtru 5 vai 6 reizes gadā vai arī tad, kad parādās kļūdas ziņojums „5E”. (Iepriekšējā lapā skatiet nodaļu „Ūdens izlaišana no veļas mazgājamās mašīnas avārijas gadījumā”.)

1.Atveriet filtra vāciņu, izmantojot atslēgu vai monētu.

2. Noskrūvējiet avārijas novadīšanas vāciņu, pagriežot to pa kreisi, un izlejiet visu ūdeni.

3. Atskrūvējiet netīrumu filtra vāciņu.

Netīrumu filtra


4. Nomazgājiet no filtra visus netīrumus un citas vielas. Pārliecinieties, ka nav bloķēts ūdens sūkņa rats, kas atrodas aiz netīrumu filtra.

5. Uzlieciet atpakaļ netīrumu filtra vāciņu.

6. Uzlieciet atpakaļ filtra vāciņu.



Tīriet ūdens caurules sieta filtru vismaz reizi gadā vai tad, kad parādās kļūdas ziņojums „4E”:

1.Izslēdziet veļas mazgājamās mašīnas ūdens padevi.

2.Noskrūvējiet cauruli veļas mazgājamās mašīnas aizmugurē. Lai novērstu caurulē esošā gaisa spiediena izraisītu ūdens izšļākšanos, aizklājiet cauruli ar audumu.

3.Ar knaiblēm uzmanīgi izvelciet sieta filtru no caurules gala un skalojiet to ūdenī, līdz tas ir tīrs. Iztīriet arī vītņotā savienotāja iekšpusi un ārpusi.

4.Iebīdiet filtru atpakaļ.

5.Pieskrūvējiet cauruli atpakaļ pie veļas mazgājamās mašīnas.

6.Pārliecinieties, vai savienojumi ir ūdensnecaurlaidīgi, un atgrieziet krānu.

veļas mazgājamās mašīnas tīrīšana un tehniskā apkope _27

WF8502FF-02610H_LV.indd 27

2009-6-24 10:18:43

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Samsung WF8502FFC/YLR manual Netīrumu Filtra Tīrīšana, Ūdens Caurules Sieta Filtra Tīrīšana

WF8502FFC/YLR specifications

The Samsung WF8502FFC/YLR is a front-loading washing machine designed to combine efficiency, performance, and convenience for modern households. This appliance is celebrated for its advanced features and technologies that ensure effective cleaning while being gentle on fabrics.

One of the standout features of the WF8502FFC/YLR is its generous capacity, catering to larger loads up to 8 kilograms. This ensures that users can wash more laundry in a single cycle, saving both time and energy. The machine is equipped with a robust 1400 RPM spin speed, which efficiently extracts water from clothes, reducing drying time significantly.

The Samsung WF8502FFC/YLR incorporates the innovative EcoBubble technology, which allows detergent to activate and penetrate fabrics quickly even in cold water. This not only enhances the cleaning performance but also conserves energy by allowing users to wash their clothes at lower temperatures, promoting sustainability and cost savings on energy bills.

Another notable technology featured in this washing machine is the Diamond Drum design. This unique drum is engineered with diamond-shaped ridges that protect delicate fabrics from damage while still providing a thorough clean. This careful attention to drum design ensures that clothes come out looking and feeling fresh, without the wear and tear that can happen with traditional drum shapes.

The machine is equipped with a variety of washing programs, catering to different fabric types and levels of soiling. Users can choose from settings such as Cotton, Synthetics, Delicates, and Quick Wash, allowing for tailored cleaning according to their specific laundry needs. The Quick Wash feature is particularly valuable for busy individuals, providing a super-fast 15-minute cycle for lightly soiled garments.

Additionally, the Samsung WF8502FFC/YLR features a digital display and intuitive control panel, making it user-friendly. The addition of Smart Check technology enables users to diagnose issues with the machine using a smartphone app, making troubleshooting efficient and straightforward.

With an impressive energy efficiency rating, the WF8502FFC/YLR not only provides outstanding cleaning performance but also promotes eco-friendly washing practices. The combination of advanced technology, thoughtful design, and practical features makes this washing machine an excellent choice for consumers seeking quality and reliability in their laundry routine.