čistenie a údržba automatickej práčky

Oprava zamrznutej automatickej práčky

Ak teplota klesne pod bod mrazu a vaša automatická práčka zamrzne:

1.Odpojte automatickú práčku od elektrickej siete.

2.Nalejte teplú vodu na prívodový kohútik, aby ste uvoľnili prívodnú hadicu vody.

3.Demontujte prívodnú hadicu vody a namočte ju do teplej vody.

4.Nalejte teplú vodu do bubna automatickej práčky a 10 minút ju v ňom nechajte.

5.Opätovne pripojte prívodnú hadicu vody k vodovodnému kohútiku a skontrolujte, či je dodávka vody a odtekanie v poriadku.

Uskladnenie automatickej práčky

Ak práčku nebudete dlhšiu dobu používať, je ideálne ak z nej vypustíte vodu a odpojíte od prívodov.

Ak pred uskladnením práčky zostane v hadiciach alebo vnútorných častiach práčky voda, môže dôjsť k jej poškodeniu.

1.Nastavte program Rýchle pranie 29’() a pridajte bielidlo do zásobníka bielidla. Spustite práčku bez náplne.

2.Zatvorte prívodné kohútiky vody a odpojte prívodné hadice.

3.Odpojte práčku od elektrickej siete a nechajte otvorené dierka práčky, aby bola zabezpečená dostatočná cirkulácia vzduchu vo vnútri bubnu práčky.

Ak bola práčka skladovaná v prostredí s teplotou pod bodom mrazu, tak pred jej používaním nechajte práčku najskôr zohriať, aby sa rozmrazila zvyšková voda v práčke.

32_ čistenie a údržba automatickej práčky

WF8602SF-02611E-03_SK.indd 32

2011-10-15 10:54:56

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Samsung WF8602SFV/XEH, WF8500SFV/XEH, WF8502SFV/XEH Oprava zamrznutej automatickej práčky, Uskladnenie automatickej práčky

WF8502SFV/XEH, WF8500SFV/XEH, WF8602SFS/XEH, WF8602SFV/XEH specifications

The Samsung WF8602SFV/XEH, WF8602SFS/XEH, WF8500SFV/XEH, and WF8502SFV/XEH models are part of Samsung's advanced washing machine lineup, renowned for their innovative features and reliable performance. These washing machines combine efficient washing capabilities with modern technology, all while maintaining user-friendly operation.

One of the standout features across these models is Eco Bubble technology. This innovative technology enables the machines to generate bubbles that effectively penetrate fabrics, ensuring a deep and thorough wash even in cold water. This not only helps in saving energy but also protects delicate fabrics, making it a perfect choice for households that need flexibility in washing options.

Another key characteristic is the Digital Inverter Motor, which promotes quiet operation and reduces energy consumption while maximizing durability. This motor adapts its power based on the load size, optimizing energy use, and minimizing noise levels, providing a more pleasant washing experience, especially during nighttime cycles.

The design of these models also emphasizes convenience, with a large capacity drum that allows users to do more laundry in one go. This is ideal for busy families or individuals, reducing the time spent on laundry. The washing machines also feature various washing programs tailored to specific needs, such as Quick Wash, which completes cycles in under 30 minutes for those on the go.

The user interface is intuitively designed, featuring a digital display that makes it easy to select settings and monitor cycles. Additionally, models like WF8602SFV/XEH come equipped with Smart Check technology, which allows users to diagnose issues via a smartphone app, making troubleshooting a hassle-free process.

Moreover, these washing machines incorporate a unique diamond drum design that minimizes fabric snagging while ensuring optimal water flow. This feature contributes to gentle washing, prolonging the life of your garments.

In summary, the Samsung WF8602SFV/XEH, WF8602SFS/XEH, WF8500SFV/XEH, and WF8502SFV/XEH washing machines stand out for their efficient washing performance, advanced technology, and user-centric design. They effortlessly combine functionality and innovation, making laundry less of a chore and more of a manageable task for modern households.