čistenie a údržba automatickej práčky


Vstupný fi lter hadice na prívod vody by ste mali čistiť aspoň raz za rok alebo vtedy, keď sa na displeji zobrazí chybové hlásenie “4E”:

1.Zatvorte prívod vody do automatickej práčky.

2.Odskrutkujte hadicu zo zadnej strany automatickej práčky. Aby nedošlo k vyšplechnutiu vody z hadice spôsobenému tlakom vzduchu, zakryte hadicu handričkou.

3.Pomocou klieští jemne vytiahnite vstupný fi lter z konca hadice a opláchnite ho vodou, až kým nebude čistý. Vyčistite tiež vnútornú a vonkajšiu stranu závitovej prípojky.

4.Zasuňte fi lter naspäť na svoje miesto.

5.Hadicu naskrutkujte späť na automatickú práčku.

6.Uistite sa, že cez prípojku neuniká voda a otvorte kohútik.


Ak teplota klesne pod bod mrazu a vaša automatická práčka zamrzne:

1.Odpojte automatickú práčku od elektrickej siete.

2.Nalejte teplú vodu na prívodový kohútik, aby ste uvoľnili prívodnú hadicu vody.

3.Demontujte prívodnú hadicu vody a namočte ju do teplej vody.

4.Nalejte teplú vodu do bubna automatickej práčky a 10 minút ju v ňom nechajte.

5.Opätovne pripojte prívodnú hadicu vody k vodovodnému kohútiku a skontrolujte, či je dodávka vody a odtekanie v poriadku.


Ak práčku nebudete dlhšiu dobu používať, je ideálne ak z nej vypustíte vodu a odpojíte od prívodov.

Ak pred uskladnením práčky zostane v hadiciach alebo vnútorných častiach práčky voda, môže dôjsť k jej poškodeniu.

1.Nastavte program Rýchle pranie 29’ a pridajte bielidlo do zásobníka bielidla. Spustite práčku bez náplne.

2.Zatvorte prívodné kohútiky vody a odpojte prívodné hadice.

3.Odpojte práčku od elektrickej siete a nechajte otvorené dierka práčky, aby bola zabezpečená dostatočná cirkulácia vzduchu vo vnútri bubnu práčky.

Ak bola práčka skladovaná v prostredí s teplotou pod bodom mrazu, tak pred jej používaním nechajte práčku najskôr zohriať, aby sa rozmrazila zvyšková voda v práčke.

28_ čistenie a údržba automatickej práčky

WF8804DP-02600D-04_SK.indd 28

2010-08-13 ¿ÀÀü 11:49:42

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Samsung WF8804HPA/XEH manual Čistenie Vstupného FI Ltra Hadice NA Prívod Vody, Oprava Zamrznutej Automatickej Práčky

WF8804HPA1/XEH, WF8804HPA/XEH specifications

The Samsung WF8804HPA/XEH and WF8804HPA1/XEH are front-loading washing machines that epitomize efficiency and advanced technology in the world of laundry appliances. These models are designed to cater to the needs of modern households, combining powerful cleaning performance with user-friendly features.

One of the standout features is the EcoBubble technology, which allows for effective cleaning at lower temperatures. By generating bubbles that penetrate fabrics more quickly, EcoBubble ensures that dirt and stains are removed without the need for high-temperature washes, saving energy and protecting garments from excessive wear. This feature not only helps in achieving optimal washing results but also reduces environmental impact, making it an eco-friendly choice.

Another significant characteristic of these washing machines is their Diamond Drum design. The unique drum pattern is engineered to safeguard delicate fabrics while still providing a thorough clean. The small water exit holes minimize the risk of snagging, ensuring that clothes maintain their quality over time. This thoughtful design makes the WF8804HPA/XEH and WF8804HPA1/XEH particularly suitable for families with a variety of fabric types.

In terms of user convenience, these models are equipped with the Smart Check feature, a smart diagnostic tool that allows users to quickly troubleshoot issues. By simply scanning a QR code on the machine with a smartphone, users can access information about potential errors and solutions, which minimizes downtime and enhances user experience.

The machines also boast a range of wash programs, including quick wash options for those with busy lifestyles. These programs are tailored to different fabric types and levels of soil, providing versatility for all laundry needs. The large capacity of these machines, typically around 8 kg, allows for handling substantial loads, making it ideal for larger families or those who prefer to wash in bulk.

Furthermore, the energy efficiency ratings are impressive, further supporting the eco-friendly appeal of the WF8804HPA/XEH and WF8804HPA1/XEH models. They are designed to consume less water and electricity while delivering outstanding cleaning performance.

In summary, the Samsung WF8804HPA/XEH and WF8804HPA1/XEH washing machines combine advanced technologies like EcoBubble and Smart Check with thoughtful design elements such as the Diamond Drum. With various wash programs, user-friendly features, and a focus on energy efficiency, these models are well-suited for contemporary laundry demands, making them a valuable addition to any home.