Samsung WW60J3080LW1LE manual Īpaši svarīgi ar tīrīšanu saistīti brīdinājumi

Models: WW60J3080LW1LE

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Īpaši svarīgi ar tīrīšanu saistīti brīdinājumi


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WW3000J_DC68-03581A-11_LV.indd 13

2018-03-09 ￿￿ 4:39:21

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Samsung WW60J3080LW1LE manual Īpaši svarīgi ar tīrīšanu saistīti brīdinājumi, Ar Weee marķējumu saistīti norādījumi

WW60J3080LW1LE specifications

Samsung washing machines have gained significant recognition for their innovative features, advanced technologies, and reliability. Among the popular models are the WF80F5E0N2W/LE, WF70F5E0W4W/WS, WW60J3080LW1LE, WW70J3283KW1LE, and WW60J3280LW/LE. Each model boasts unique characteristics that cater to diverse laundry needs.

One of the standout features across these models is Samsung's EcoBubble technology. This allows for effective cleaning at lower temperatures by generating bubbles that penetrate the fabric quickly, ensuring dirt and stains are lifted while reducing energy consumption. This technology promotes both environmental sustainability and fabric care.

The WW60J3080LW1LE and WW70J3283KW1LE models come equipped with the Quick Wash function, which is perfect for users in a hurry. This feature allows users to wash lightly soiled clothes in as little as 15 minutes, making it an ideal solution for busy lifestyles. Similarly, the WF70F5E0W4W/WS model includes a Bubble Soak option, which pre-soaks clothes in active bubbles, providing enhanced stain removal for challenging stains.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of these washers, with many models rated highly in terms of energy use. For instance, the WF80F5E0N2W/LE model features a high energy-efficiency rating that minimizes electricity consumption without compromising washing performance. These machines not only save money on utility bills but also contribute to a greener planet.

In terms of capacity, the WW70J3283KW1LE offers a larger drum size that accommodates more laundry per cycle and is well-suited for larger families. The added flexibility allows users to wash bulkier items such as bedding and towels without any hassle.

Smart technologies have also been integrated into these models, including the Smart Check feature. This intelligent system allows users to diagnose and troubleshoot issues via a smartphone app, providing convenience and prompt support.

Overall, the Samsung WF80F5E0N2W/LE, WF70F5E0W4W/WS, WW60J3080LW1LE, WW70J3283KW1LE, and WW60J3280LW/LE models exemplify a blend of cutting-edge features, technology, and design. They provide optimal washing performance while ensuring user convenience, energy efficiency, and superior fabric care. With their various capacities and smart functionalities, these models are engineered to meet modern laundry demands, making them an excellent choice for consumers looking for quality and innovation in their washing machines.