Samsung WW60J6210DS/LP, WW80J6210CS/LD, WW60J6210FW/LP manual Boshlash/Toxtatish tugmasini bosing

Models: WW70J6210FW/LP WW90J6410EW/LP WW90J6410CS/LP WW60J6210DS/LP WW70J6210DW/LP WW60J6210FW/LP WW80J6210CS/LD WW70J6210DS/LP WW90J6410CW/LP WW60J6210DW/LP

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Nosozliklarni bartaraf qilish

Nosozliklarni bartaraf qilish








Elektr shnurini elektr toki bor bo'lgan rozetkaga ulang.


Saqlagichni tekshiring yoki zanjir uzgichni o'chirib, yoqing.


Mashina eshigini yoping va kir yuvish mashinasini ishga tushirish uchun



Boshlash/To'xtatish tugmasini bosing.



Foydalanuvchi xavfsizligi uchun kir yuvish mashinasida, agar eshigi



yopilmagan bo'lsa, baraban aylanmaydi yoki mashina siqishni amalga





Kir yuvish mashinasi suv olishidan oldin eshik qulfini tekshirish uchun u bir



qator qirsillagan tovushlar chiqaradi va tezkor drenajni amalga oshiradi.

Kir yvish siklida pauza yoki ivitish jarayoni bo'lishi mumkin. Biroz vaqt kutib




turing, mashina yana ishga tushadi.


Suv quvur yo'li kranidagi suv ta'minoti shlangi to'rsimon filtri to'lib



qolmaganligiga ishonch hosil qiling. To'rsimon filtrni vaqti-vaqti bilan tozalab





Agar kir yuvish mashinasida yetarli elektr quvvati ta'minlanmasa, mashina



suvni chiqarib tashlash yoki siqishni vaqtincha amalga oshirmaydi. Mashinada



yetarli darajada elektr quvvati ta'minlanishi tiklanishi bilan, u yana normal



holatda ishlay boshlaydi.





Har ikki kranni oxirigacha oching.


Harorat to'g'ri tanlanganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.


Shlanglar tegishli kranlar to'g'ri ulanganligiga ishonch hosil qiling. Suv



yo'llarini tozalang.


Suv isitgich kamida 120 °F (49 °C) haroratdagi issiq suvni yetkazib berishga



sozlanganligiga ishonch hosil qiling. Shuningdek, suv isitgich quvvati va



tiklash tezligini tekshiring.

Mashina olayotgan suv

Shlanglarni uzing va to'rsimon filtrni tozalang. To'rsimon filtr to'lib qolgan

harorati noto'g'ri.


bo'lishi mumkin.


Mashina suv olayotganda, suv harorati o'zgarishi mumkin, chunki haroratni



avtomatik tarzda boshqarish funksiyasi kiruvchi suv haroratini tekshiradi. Bu



normal holat.


Mashina suv olayotganda, sovuq yoki issiq harorat tanlangan bo'lsa, issiq va



(yoki) sovuq suvning dispenserdan o'tayotganligini kuzatishingiz mumkin.



Bu haroratni avtomatik boshqarish funksiyasi normal ish holatidir, chunki



mashina suv haroratini belgilaydi.




46  O’zbekcha

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Samsung WW60J6210DS/LP, WW80J6210CS/LD, WW60J6210FW/LP, WW60J6210DW/LP, WW70J6210DW/LP Boshlash/Toxtatish tugmasini bosing

WW70J6210FW/LP, WW90J6410EW/LP, WW90J6410CS/LP, WW60J6210DS/LP, WW70J6210DW/LP specifications

The Samsung WW90J6410CW/LP and WW90J6410CX1LP washing machines represent a fusion of advanced technology and modern design, tailored to deliver an exceptional laundry experience. Both models are part of Samsung's 6000 series, known for their efficiency and reliability. With a sleek appearance and intuitive controls, these machines are designed to fit into any contemporary home setting while ensuring optimum performance.

One of the standout features of these models is the EcoBubble technology. This innovative system generates bubbles that penetrate fabrics faster than traditional washing methods, ensuring a deeper clean even at lower temperatures. This not only helps save energy but also protects delicate fabrics from the harshness of hot water.

The WW90J6410CW/LP and WW90J6410CX1LP are equipped with a large 9 kg capacity drum, accommodating sizable loads, making them perfect for families. The Diamond Drum design enhances washing effectiveness while being gentle on clothes, reducing the risk of snagging and damage. With a maximum spin speed of 1400 RPM, users can enjoy reduced drying times and less humidity in their laundry room.

Another notable feature is the Smart Check functionality. This smart diagnostic tool allows users to monitor the machine's performance via a smartphone app, making troubleshooting easy and efficient. If any issues arise, the app provides quick solutions, eliminating the need for technician visits in many cases.

The washing machines also incorporate the Quick Wash program, perfect for busy lifestyles. This feature allows users to wash a small load in just 15 minutes, providing convenience without compromising on cleanliness. Additionally, the digital inverter motor reduces noise and vibration while increasing energy efficiency, contributing to a quieter operation.

These models come with various washing programs, including options for cotton, synthetics, and wool, allowing users to tailor their washing experience to suit different fabric types. The child lock feature ensures safety, preventing accidental operation by little hands.

In conclusion, the Samsung WW90J6410CW/LP and WW90J6410CX1LP washing machines stand out for their user-friendly features, smart technology, and efficient performance. Whether it’s the EcoBubble technology or the convenience of Smart Check, these machines provide an all-around solution for modern laundry needs, making them a valuable addition to any home.