Setting the SystemLanguage Settings
Select Languagein Settings.
Use , to select the language for displaying menu.
Chinese(S) Chinese(T) Dutch English French German Hungarian
Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Swedish
Use , to select the language for displaying Tag information.
Afrikaans Basque Catalan Chinese(S) Chinese(T) Czech Danish
Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hrvatski
Hungarian Icelandic Itallian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish
Portuguese Romany Russian Slovak Slovene Spanish Swedish
Turkish Vietnamese Return
- What is an ID3 Tag ?
This is what is attached to an MP3 to carry information relevant to the file, such as the title,
artist, album, year, genre and a comment field.
- Supported languages can be changed or added.
- For a VBR or Ogg file, the search speed may not be uniform.
Select Systemin Settings.
Use , to select Resume On or Off.
On:Play back music from the part of music you listened last
if you play it back again after stopping.
Off:Play back music from the beginning of music if you play
it back again after stopping.
Use , to set the default volume from 0 to 30(Max).
If the power is turned on again after having adjusted the
volume above the default value, music is played at the
default volume.
If the power is turned on again after the volume was set to
within the default value, the music is replayed at the previously
played volume.
Use , to set the Search Speed from 1sec to 1min.
When you press and hold , to scan a track,
you can adjust the scanning speed.

IMenu IResume

IDefault vol

ISearch Speed
