From the message view, use the following options:To reply to the message, select .

To reply to the message including all recipients, select

Reply all.To forward the message to other people, select Forward.To add a star to the message, select .

To view an attachment, select Preview. To save it to your memory card, select Download.

To archive the message, select Archive.To delete the message, select Delete.

To move to the previous or next message, select or


››Organise email by labels

You can organise your email by labelling your messages or adding stars to mark important messages. You can sort messages by label filter.

Add a label to a message


From the Inbox screen, tap and hold a message.


Select Change labels.


Select a label to add and select OK.
Filter messages


From the Inbox screen, press [ ] Go to labels.


Select the label of the messages you want to view.

Communication 53