Viewing a Text
Text Viewer allows you to read text files that were created on your PC. Text files must have a .txt extension to be viewed by Text Viewer.
1 Press and hold the button to move to menu and select Text.
●The text screen appears.
2 Press the button briefly to move to the text selection screen.
Move to the text you want and
press the button.
●The selected text file will be displayed.
●Press and hold the button to return to the MENU screen.
The Children W
Romeo and Ju..
The Little Prin..
To be or not t..
Romeo and J..
That night, before the party began, lady capulet look ed for Juliet, her only child.”Nurse, where is juliet? C
The Children..
Today I Read the first episode of a book called ‘The Children Who Gath er the Clams’.It w as a very interest
I Setting a Bookmark
Press and hold the A↔ B button in the Text screen.
●The current page is bookmarked.
●You can create only 1 bookmark.
The Children..
Today I Read the first episode of a book called ‘The Children Who Gath er the Clams’.It w as a very interest
I Moving to Bookmark
Press the A↔ B button in the Text screen.
●The bookmarked page is displayed.