To start the Fitness mode

1.Select <Fitness> on the main menu screen.

2.Select a desired exercise activity and press the [Select] button.

￿Select from <Walk1> (Walk Slow), <Walk2> (Walk Fast), <Run1> (Run Slow), <Run2> (Run Fast), <Hiking>, <Cycle>, <Yoga>.

3.Set a desired exercising time.

￿You can select from <10min> to <600min> in 10 minute increments.

Daily Goal

Audio Guid...

Body Info


39 kcal

4. Set a desired listening option.

5. Press the [Select] button.

￿ The fitness mode gets started.

Listening Options

Now Playing

￿Now Playing: Plays a recently played file.

￿Playlist: Plays the files in a recently played playlist.

￿FM Radio: Tunes in to a recently listened FM frequency.

￿Shuffle Play: Plays the files in a recently played music list at random.

￿ Press the [Select] button if you want to pause the fitness mode.

NOTE ￿ Each time you press the [

￿] button, you can check the music title or

calorie(kcal) burn.


more than music _ 51