Load a Set
Select a set to load with the pull-down menu button of the Load Set No.and press the Set
button. The stored setting values will be applied to the each PC adjustment item.
36Chapter 4 Controlling the Projector
Save a Set
1Decide your desired PC adjustment val-
ues through the PC Adjustment pages
“1”to “2”.
2Display the page “3” and select a mode
number with the pull-down menu button
of the Save to. Type a memo into the
Memo text area for simple description of
your selected number.
3 Register by pressing the Setbutton.
To restore the adjustments, press the
Reset button.
Select a mode by
clicking the button
Type a memo for
the selected mode
Select a load mode
by clocking the but-
It is displayed with “Stored” or “Free” for
the memo of Mode1 to Mode5. The memo
of ExMode6 to ExMode50 can be stored
into the selected mode.
✐The Display settings can be stored up to 50 sets, 5 sets for Mode1 to Mode5 are stored into
the projector and 45 sets for ExMode6 to ExMode50 are stored into the Network Board.