Chapter 1 Preparation
Text Mode*1Graphic Mode*1
Operating System
Web Browser*
Internet Mailer*
Windows 98
Windows Me
Windows NT4.0
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Internet Explorer version 5.0, 5.5 or 6.0
Netscape Navigator version6.1, 6.2 or 7.0
* Used to control and set up the projector. The layout of pages
in the browser may slightly differ from each type of applica-
tion or operating system you use.
Macromedia Flash Player ver-
sion 6.0 or later
Network must handle Ethernet correctly and accept TCP/IP.
The computer must provide a 10Base-T or 100Base-TX network
- Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft OutlookExpress
- Netscape Mail
* Required the internet e-mail application software to receive an
e-mail alert sent from this product. If you do not use the func-
tion E-mail Alert, this application is not required.
Operating EnvironmentTo perform the managing and setting of the projector by using this product, the envi-
ronment described below is required.
*1 The "Text Mode" and "Graphic Mode" will be explained on item "Display Mode" (☞P.22-24)