If you have a question about the camera operation, you might find the answer in this compilation of commonly asked questions.
| Question | Answer | Action |
| Why doesn’t the | Due to cold | Place the camera in |
| power turn on? | temperatures, the | your pocket to warm |
| battery pack | it up before using it. |
| temporarily lost its |
| power. |
| Why is the battery | The ambient | Keep the battery |
| pack consumed | temperature is | pack in an |
| so quickly even | very low. | environment of 10 to |
| after it was fully |
| 40°C (50 to 104°F). |
| recharged? |
| Why doesn’t | The battery pack | Replace with a new |
| recharging end? | life has expired. | battery pack. If this |
| is not effective, |
| consult your dealer. |
Power | Why does the | The remaining | Replace the battery |
icon | battery pack | pack with a fully | |
| power is low. | charged one. | |
| ||
| appear? |
| While the camera | The battery pack | Disconnect the |
| is connected to | temperature is too | camera from the |
| the USB | high or too low. | computer, allow the |
| connector, the | Immediately | battery pack or |
| before connecting | camera to return to | |
| slowly flashing red | the camera to a | room temperature, |
| and the battery | computer, you | and then reconnect |
| pack cannot be | recorded a video | it to the computer. |
| charged. | clip, for example, |
| thereby raising |
| the camera’s |
| internal |
| temperature. |