26 Photo, Video & Audio Playback
Playback Mode Display
No. Name Icon
1 Playback mode
2 Image resolution Photo mode:
Video mode:
640 (640x480), 320 (320x240)
3 Sharpness
5 Color mode
6 Flash mode Photo mode:
Video mode: 00:00:00
(Length of the video clip.)
7 Quantity 1/140, 2/30
8 SD card / Internal memory
9 Histogram
10 File Name Photo mode: 12345678.JPG
Video mode: 000_0005.AVI
11 Date and Time 2005/12/12
12 Next Move to next item.
13 Battery status
14 Previous Move to previous item.
15 Voice memo
16 Mode icons Please see “Capture/Video Mode Dis-
play” on page 7 for detailed informa-
17 ISO Speed
18 Contrast
19 White balance