You can specify which folder to copy the files to.

i When you click on the folder icon in the [Destination Folder] field, the screen to specify the copy destination appears.

i We suggest that you click on [{Today’s Date] in the [Subfolder Name] field to select it. When [{Today’s Date] is selected, a subfolder named with the current date is automatically created in the folder specified in the [Destination Folder] field, and the files are copied to it.

Folder icon

7 Click on [Import].

hThe files in the camera are copied to the computer.

8 When copying is completed, click on [Done].

hYou are returned to the MediaImpression 2 home page.

9 Click on the close button to exit MediaImpression 2 and end the program.


More about MediaImpression 2

i On the MediaImpression 2 home page, click on [Service & Support] for more information.

English xii