Unit 1: PCL Emulation
SATO D512 PCL Programming Manual Page 1-9
PCL EMULATION COMMANDSSee the following tables for a listing of the commands grouped by function.
To determine which commands your printer supports, see “Table 3-1: PCL Emulation
Commands” in the PCL Support section.
Table 1-5: Job Control
Command / Parameters Function / Result
-ESCEPrinter Reset
• Prints any partial pages.
• Resets printer environment to defaults.
• Deletes all temporary downloaded resources.
0 = Collation off
1 … 999 (number of Copies)
Number of Collated Copies
Turns collation of pages off or sets the number of collated copies.
# = number of Copies (1 to 32767)
Default = 1
Number of Copies
Affects the page currently in process and subsequent pages.
ESC&l#S Simplex/Duplex Print
This command is parsed and ignored.
# = number of Decipoints
Range = -32767 to 32767
(1 Decipoint = 1/720 inch)
Default = 0
Long-Edge Offset Registration
Also known as Left Offset.
Adjusts placement of logical page along the width of the physical page.
# = number of Decipoints
Range = -32767 to 32767
(1 Decipoint = 1/720 inch)
Default = 0
Short-Edge Offset Registration
Also known as Top Offset.
Adjusts placement of logical page along the length of the physical page.