Unit 5: Bar Code Commands

Page 5-4 SATO D512 PCL Programming Manual

CURSOR POSITIONINGCursor positioning is set as follows when printing with the Sato Bar Code Option: From the current cursor position, bar code printing begins at the bottom left corner of the left bar. The cursor is located at the bottom right corner of the right bar when printing is complete. This cursor positioning applies both with and without accompanying human-readable text.
24701 Code 128 A 28.8 1 M --- Yes
24702 Code 128 B 28.8 1 M --- Yes
24704 Code 128 C 28.8 1 M --- Yes
24710 UCC 128 28.8 5 M ---
24720 EAN 128 28.8 1 M --- Yes
24750 Codabar 28.8 1 M --- No
24751 Codabar +MOD 16 check digit 28.8 1 M --- Yes
24760 MSI 28.8 1 N --- No
24761 MSI + mod10 + mod10 check digits 28.8 1 N --- Yes
24762 MSI + mod10 + mod10 check digits 28.8 1 N --- Yes
24763 MSI + mod11 + mod10 check digits 28.8 1 N --- Yes
24770 POSTNET 5-digit ZIP code 9* 1* N 5 Yes
24771 POSTNET 9-digit ZIP code 9* 1* N 9 Yes
24772 POSTNET 11-digit Delivery Point Code 9* 1* N 11 Yes
24880 MaxiCode --- 1 Y 1’ square Yes
24850 PDF417 --- 1 Y - -- Yes
1 For bar code symbologies, the default value of the #H text font parameter is CBA =
000 (automatically sized Roman Pillar bold).
2Does not include checksum character.
3Checksum character is always printed if human-readable text is specified.
* = Fixed value, cannot be changed
N = Numeric
M = Mixed
Table 5-2: PCL Emulation Parameter List (continued)
Command Function / Parameter (#v units are in 1/72”
Select the bar code symbology.
Default Parameters1
Typef ace # Bar Code Symbology #v #p