Unit 2: Printer Job Language
Page 2-4 SATO D512 PCL Programming Manual
You printer supports the PJL JOB and EOJ commands.
JOB CommandThe host computer can use the JOB command to separate print data into
various parts or jobs. Specifically, the JOB command signifies to the printer
the start of a print job. Use the EOJ command to signify the end of a job. In
addition, use the JOB/EOJ pair to accomplish the following:
• Provide a job name.
• Indicate which pages of the job should be printed.
• Monitor the job status as it prints.
@PJL JOB [NAME = "job name"] [START = first page]
[END = last page] [PASSWORD = number][<CR>]<LF>
• The JOB command should only be used in conjunction with the EOJ
• After receiving a JOB command, the printer does not process a UEL
command as a PJL job boundary until it receives the corresponding
EOJ. Instead, UELs occurring within a JOB/EOJ pair are processed
as printer language resets (for example, PCL ESCE).