Troubleshooting SBC Express

Please refer to this list if you are having problems using SBC Express or if you receive an error message. If after troubleshooting, you are still having problems, then you should contact the numbers listed in Appendix A.








SBC Express verifies minimum requirements on

Update your computer to the recommended


several resources including hard drive space, RAM,

resource level.


operating system level, and processor speed and






If any of these resources are under the required value,



an error will display describing which resource did not



meet the requirement.






When installing Network Interface Cards the

You may have to provide an installation CD-


installation process may ask for the original installation

ROM for the installation of the drivers to be

Interface Card







This scenario can occur when a machine had a

Use the “Fix” button to launch the appropriate


previous NIC or Network Adapter installed, but the

system control panel along with context sensitive


physical device is missing or was misconfigured.

help. The help provided will guide you through



the steps to disable or remove the adapter.




Missing Internet

This scenario can occur if Client for Microsoft

Use the “Fix” button to launch the appropriate


Networks is not installed with the TCP/IP protocol or

control panel and context sensitive help to guide


if the NIC is installed without binding TCP/IP to the

you in binding TCP/IP to the network adapter.








This scenario can occur when a NIC is present in the

Use the “Fix” button with context sensitive help

Network Adapter

system, yet the adapter has been disabled.

to guide you through enabling the adapter.




Ping Test

The Ping Test is usually accomplished within the

Failure during this test can occur from invalid


Configure TCP/IP step, where SBC Express pings the

network settings, the Ethernet cable not being


default gateway. An explicit IP address can also be

plugged in, the DSL modem not being in synch,



or if the specified IP address does not allow a






Make sure your Ethernet cable is plugged in and



powercycle your DSL modem. Use the “Retry”



button to try the test again.




DNS Test

The DNS Test will determine the currently defined

This test can fail if the DNS server is invalid. If


DNS servers, attempt to ping them, and upon a

you entered static IP information, ensure you


successful ping, will resolve a specified hostname to an

entered the DNS servers correctly.


IP address.





This concludes the DSL Equipment Installation Guide

Installation Guide for Customer Self-Install: Efficient Networks® 5260, Macintosh

Page 29

©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.


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SBC comm 5260MC02A manual Appendix D