32 Hawk 4 (Wide) Family Install Guide, Rev. A
J6 and J1-Auxiliary
InstallationJumper Function Description
A3,A2,A1,A0*Drive ID on SCSI Bus. The drive ID is
binary coded positionwise i.e., jumper in
position A3 is drive ID 8, in position A2 is
drive ID 4, in position A1 is ID 2, position A0
is ID 1 and no jumpers is ID 0. Default is
ID = 0.
Either J1-auxiliary or J6 may be used to
select drive ID. Both should not be used at
the same time, because at some future
time when the ID is changed the user could
fail to configure both J1-auxiliary and J6
the same. Default is ID = 0.
BUSY Connection for optional external Drive
Busy indicator.
*See notes on page 27, 28 and 29