signals 21
spinup power 8 Standby 8, 23 Standby Immediate 23 Standby mode 8, 10 Standby to Ready 7
support services 29 surge immunity 13
technical support services 29 temperature 11 temperature gradient 11 time to ready 7
timers 10 TMR 1
track density 6
UL 1950 14
vibration 12 voltage 9
voltage dips, interrupts 13 voltage tolerance 9
Warranty 14 weight 6
wet bulb temperature 11 width 6
Write Buffer 23
Write DMA 23
Write DMA Extended 23 Write Multiple 1, 23 Write Multiple Extended 23 Write Sectors 23
Write Sectors Extended 23
Momentus 7200.1 PATA Product Manual, Rev. C | 33 |