SeaLand VACUUM HOLDING TANK Component Locating Procedure, Key Installation Points, Location


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Vacuum Toilet



Check dimensions of mounting space above and below floor.


compartment or


Determine best toilet discharge connection: above floor, out rear or below floor.


under berth.


Allow at least ½-inch (1.3 cm) clearance between toilet rear and wall.




Make sure compartment, shower and vanity doors will clear toilet bowl.




Check location nearest cold water line.




Water line must be at least ½-inch ID and provide a minimum flow of two (2)




gallons per minute (7.6 liters per minute).




Water valve assembly for 106 toilet can be positioned any distance horizontally from




the toilet but must be at least 6 in. (15.24 cm) above the top of the toilet bowl rim.




Check clearances to side wall for installation of flush lever cover and back wall




for best clearance.






Vacuum Holding

Any space that


The vacuum holding tank (VHT) inlet must be located no more than 20 feet (6.1 m)

Tank (VHT)

permits access to


from the toilet discharge.


remove the entire


The VHT inlet must not be located more than 3 feet (.9 m) above the outlet of




the toilet. (NOTE: The lower the tank, the better the system efficiency.)




The VHT must be mounted in a horizontal position.




The VHT must not be exposed to temperatures over 120°F. Do not place near




heat sources such as engine manifolds, water heaters, generators, etc.




Mounting space must provide for free air flow.






Vacuum Hose

Use only Odor-


OdorSafe Sanitation Hose must be used; it is sized to use SeaLand fittings in the

and Fittings

Safe hose and


system, minimizing vacuum leakage.


SeaLand fittings.


It is important that restrictions in the vacuum hose be kept to a minimum.


They are made to


Where a bend must occur in a hose run, the radius of the bend must not be


fit together.


less than 6 inches (15.24 cm). If a tighter radius is required, use a SeaLand 90°




bend kit to assure a clog-free transition.












The VacuFlush system operates on a unique and un- common principle – powerful, instantaneous vacuum force. As a result, certain installation points must be stressed because they are the most common sources of incorrect installation.

1. Leaks at Fitting Joints

One benefit of vacuum operation is that leaks are inward and will not cause drippage of sewage. Vacuum leaks result in frequent cycling of the vacuum pump which causes unnecessary wear on the motor and gear drive. Most vacuum leaks occur at fitting joints. Care should be taken to assemble fitting joints per the instructions. Allow time in your installation schedule to give cemented fittings, if used, time to cure before manipulating them. Also, a proper PVC cleaner or primer must be applied prior to cementing fittings.

2. Cementing Hose to Fittings

Never cement hose to fittings. The SeaLand custom hose adapter is specifically designed to fit precisely into the OdorSafe Hose. The hose will slide easily on the fitting if it is lubricated with liquid dishwashing detergent and twisted clockwise when attached.

3. Locating Components in Accessible Spaces

Never locate a component of the vacuum system in a space which is inaccessible or difficult to reach.

4. Hose…Too Much, Too Little

Try to avoid unnecessary hose runs that result in excessive bends or loops. Excessive hose reduces vacuum transfer efficiency. Hose should be securely tied down every three feet. Too little hose length also causes problems by forcing the hose into tight bends or kinks. Always leave a small amount of extra hose length for future maintenance. The distance between the toilet and the Vacuum Holding Tank (VHT) may not exceed 20 feet (6.1 m).

5. Hose… Wrong Type

To complete a VacuFlush installation, OdorSafe Sanita- tion Hose or rigid PVC pipe (Schedule 40 or heavier) must be used.

6. Hose… Odor Permeation

Avoid low spots in hose or sections where waste will remain for very long periods. Waste trapped in hose will produce gases in the final stage of decomposition that are very difficult to contain. If possible, have hose from the toilet drain into the VHT.

7.Protecting Toilet and Preventing Objects from Falling into System During Installation.

After mounting toilet and attaching seat and lid assem- bly, slide seat assembly carton over seat and lid. Next, place toilet box down over toilet. This will ensure addi- tional protection to the toilet after installation.

Failure to follow recommended procedures that result in any of the above problems will invalidate component warranty.


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SeaLand VACUUM HOLDING TANK Component Locating Procedure, Key Installation Points, Location, Check, Hose… Wrong Type