34Positionmotoras shown in Figure 2. Note the location of the motor switch.Secure motor to bradder with the
origim_ motor damps,
13o Connect thet_ack (6M)wke lead Ontothe lie" terminal marked "6" on the
NOTE: Read =rid follow Instructions carefully. If the
unit you are replacing the motor on has the option which included the momentary switches for the drum,
proceed to section title
MOMENTARY SWITCH APPUCATIONt otherwise, proceed to s_ep 4.
_,_ Connect the blue (4M) wire lead from the broken belt switch to the vacant terminal located on the ba_ of
the overload prote_or of _he motor switch. See Figure 3
5o ConneCt the red (1M) wire lead. to 'Jle_/4_ terminal marked "1" on the motor switch. 'SeeFigure 3.
14.Reconnect groundwire to motor. _ee Figure 3_
"_5. All wire lead (_nnections are completeat this point.
you can now reinstall the motor andbracket assembly into the unit.
1_ Connect the blue (4M) wire lead from the broken belt switch tO the vacantterminal located on the back of
the overload protector of the meter switch. See Figure 4.
6o Connect the red (2M} wire lead to the _/4" terminal rr_xked "2" on the motor sv#ftch.See _Tgure3.
"7. Connect the yellow (BK2) wire lead to the vacant termth_J on the broken belt switch. See Figure 3.
8.'Toconnect the black (6M} wire lead and the while
(5M) wire lead to the motor switch, you must replace the _/4"female terminals with the 1/8" insulated female
_erminals includedwith the replacement motor.
9_ Cut _e _14'female terminal from the black (6M) and white (SM) wire leads as close to the terminaJ as possible with wire eL,tiers.
! O_Strip wires back approxim_,tely _14elan inch.
t"_[h barrel c_mpers, crimp _!_ insulated female: terminals, ]no4t_dedwith motor, onto the w&'eleads.
_f.'_TE: _ake sure ter_r_inals 8_'ecr_rr_dseeurely _mp_aoe.
2_ Connec_ the white (5M) wlre lead onto _he_/e"termi_al . m_rked "5" on the motor sw_teh See Figure 3
Connect the red (1M} wire lead to the _/4°tem]ina! m_ked "I" on the motor switch. See Figure 4.
Connect the red (2M) wire lead ta the _14"terminal markeO "2" on the meier switch. See Figure 4.
Connect the yellow (8K2) wire lead to the vacant terminal on the broken belt switch See Figure 4.
To connect the purple (3M_ wire lead and the white (5_'_wire lead to the motor switch, you must replace
llle _/4"female terrninalwith the t Is"insulated terminals included wffhthe replacement motor.
Cut the t/_,, female terminaJ from the purple (3M) and white (5M) wire leads as close to the terminal as possible w_h wire cutters
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