7, Strip w_ee back approximately 1/4 of an indl.
8.W_h ba_el crimpers, _lmp _/*" ir_vteted female ten_nlnal$, Inclucleclwith motor, ontothe wire leads
NOTE: Make sure terminals are crimped securely
In place.
9.Connect the white(SM) wire lead ontothe i/€ terminal
marked "5" on the motor swlte,h. See _ | 4. |
10. Connec_the purple_ wire !ead ontothe 1M terminal
,.a'_d"_"?, the...motors ch.seeRg_ur....e
11, RcconneGt ground wire to motor. See Rgura 4.
12.All wire lead conneotlOns are complete at this polnL
You can now reln_tlhe'motor and bracket e._embly into unit.