Cube dispenserdoes not work
*No ice cubes Removestoragecontainer ffcubes arefrozen to wire arm,removecubes_
" No ice cubes tcemakeror water supply turnedoff
•kregular iceclumpsin storagecontainer. Breakup asmanyas you can with fingertippressureand discard theremainingclumps
Water has poor taste/odor
Ifwater dispenserhasnot beenusedfor anextendedperiod, dispenseseveralglassfulsof water to eliminatetasteIemporar[}y impartedby the water line
Water dispenser does not work
•Water supplyline turnedoff or not connected * Supply linemay be clogged with sediment
Moisture forms on outside of refrigerator
• Not unusualduring periods of high humidity
Moisture collects inside
•Toofrequentor too longdoor openings
•In humidweather,air carriesmoistureintorefrigeratorwhen doors are opened
Water on floor
•Thedrain inthe bottom of _hefreezer maybe clogged Remove any ice on lhefreezer boltom and clean thedrain Refer1oCare and Cleaning section
Hot air from bottom of refrigerator
• Normal air flow cooling motor In therefrigerationprocess_
it isnormalthatheatbe expetted in the area undertherefrigerator Somefloor coveringswiI1discolorat thesenormal and safe operating temperaturesYourfloor covering suppiiershouldbe consultedif you obiect to _hisdiscoloration
interior light does not work
=No power at outlet
" Lightbulb needsreplacing SeeCare and Cleaningsection
Refrigeratorhas odor
a Foodwiths_rongodors shouldbe tightlycovered
• Checkfor spoiled food
" Interiorneedscleaning Referto Care and Cleaning seclion
•Defrostwater systemneedscleaning
°Keepopen box of baking soda in refrigerator;replace every threemonths
Water Filter Accessory
(optional at extra cost)
Your ice cubes can only be as fresbtasting as the water
that produces them That'swhy it'sa good idea to purify the water with a water filter
The water filter is an optional port at extra cost and is available from your Sears Service Center Order Filter
No. 978488 and it may be installed in minutes when attached to the inlet water tube connection
Water Supply Accessory Kit
(optional at extra cost)
A water supply kit containing copper tubing,
Moving Precautions
Disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet, remove all food and clean and dry the interior Secure all loose items by taping them securely in place. Keep the refrigerator in an upright position during actual moving and in the van Secure the refrigerator in the van to prevent movement, and prolect the outside with a blanket.
Vacation Precautions
For extended vacations or absences, shut off power to the refrigerator, turn the FreshFood control to the OFF position, and clean the interior wilh a baking soda soIution of one tablespoon of baking soda to one quart of water Wipe dry To prevent odors, leave an open box of baking soda in the refrigerator, Leave the doors open
For shorter vacations, remove perishable foods and leave controls at their regular se_ingsrHowever, if room
temperature is expected to drop below 60°Fr, follow the same instructions as for extended vacations.
Set icemaker to the STOP position and shut off water supply to refrigerator