Functions and Features
1.Spell Checker
*The unit will instantly verify correctly spelled words.
*The vocabulary comes from the American Heritage Dictionary.
*The unit can correct over 1 million misspellings. Simply input the word as you best remember it, and the unit will take educated guesses based upon similarity to correctly spelled words in its memory.
*The unit can also correct “phonetic” spelling errors. If you enter a word “as it sounds”, the unit will suggest real words, based upon phonetic equivalents to what you entered.
Wildcard Function
*This function allows you to enter a “ ? ” into a word at the point where you are unsure about its spelling.
*The unit can help you tackle tough crossword puzzles and other word games.
*The unit can provide over 130,000 definitions for over 70,000 entry words (headwords). The vocabulary comes from the American Heritage Dictionary.
*When displaying a headword, the unit shows part of speech and inflected forms.
*You may scroll through the dictionary’s word list in alphabetical order.
Definition Search Function
*Opposite to the way in which a regular dictionary is used, a headword can be searched which has in its definition a specific term (keyword).
3.Tag Function
*A word in spell checker can be picked and used as the entry word for dictionary mode.
4. Conversion Function (In Calculator)
*Conversion function enables you to convert foreign currencies and metric units of length, weight , liquid measure and temperature.
5.Calculator Function
*You may add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers with up to 10 digits.
*Memory and percent functions are included.