Welcome to the exciting world of The Apprentice!
Like the hit TV show that inspired it, this game is designed to challenge your knowledge of business and test the limits of your managerial skills. If you’ve got what it takes, you’ll make your way through Challenge after Challenge until, at last, you’ll take your place alongside the Donald at the head of a
The Apprentice is a simple game to play, but will demand all your concentration and intelligence to master. It is possible to plug in the game and start playing without reading the instructions. Care has been taken to make the game fairly intuitive and text on the screen guides you through the choices you have to make. However, taking a few minutes to look over these instructions will make sure you understand the details of game play and enhance your enjoyment.
Basic Concepts
There are a few basic terms and concepts you’ll want to make sure you understand before you start playing.
Handsets and Console
The game includes two HANDSETS, one for each of the teams, and one
Players and Characters
As you read these rules, it is important to understand the difference between CHARACTERS and PLAYERS. When we say “player”, we
mean you and your friends – the people actually playing the game. When we say “character”, we mean the people who appeared on the show and are represented by the ID badges included with the game. Each player will take the role of one character during the game.
Episodes and Seasons
The Apprentice is designed to capture the feel of the hit TV show. Because of this, it’s played in EPISODES and SEASONS rather than turns. Each game you play represents one season of the show. The number of episodes in that season will vary depending on how many characters are participating and the whims of The Donald.
Apprentice Manual.indd