Safety instructions
yRead these instructions carefully and completely
before using this device.
ySave the instructions for further use, so they are accessible to the user at all times. Always include the operating instructions when giving this device to a third party.
yDo not use the headphones in environments requiring particular attention (e.g. on roads or while carrying out manual work).
yAlways keep the headphones dry and do not expose them to either extreme high or low temperatures (ideal: 10 °C to 35 °C).
yTreat headphones with care and store them in a clean,
ySwitch off the headphones when not in use to spare the batteries. Remove the batteries if the headphones will not be used for longer periods.
yProtect your hearing from loud volumes. Sennheiser headphones also sound very good at low volumes.
Appropriate use of the headphones
Appropriate use of the headphones includes:
ythat you have read these instructions, especially the “Safety instructions“ section,
ythat you only use the headphones in operating conditions as described in the instructions.