HSP 4 Headset, cardioid
KEN 2 Color-coded identification
rings for handheld transmitter
MZW 1 Windshield
Mic heads
MMD 835/845/935/945
MME 865/MMK 965
You Know You Can
Control EverythingThe “Wireless Systems Manager” (WSM) enables realtime
monitoring and remote control of all relevant equipment parameters during
live operation. Using the WSM PC software you can:
• display and monitor the connected equipment
• confi gure the connected equipment
• conduct a frequency preset scan
• control combined systems and multichannel systems
• access updates at www.sennheiser.com
CL 2 Line cable
HSP 2 Headset, omnidirectional
HHP 2 Pouch for handheld
BPP 1 Bodypack pouch
090146 G3 500er BROSCHUERE_GB.indd 13 20.03.2009 13:28:20 Uhr
Prozessfarbe CyanProzessfarbe MagentaProzessfarbe GelbProzessfarbe SchwarzPANTONE 877 CPANTONE 2925 C