
Vocal Set

SKM 500-965
held transmitter,
switchable polar pat-
terns: cardioid/super-
cardioid true condenser,
dual large diaphragm,
with EM 500
diversity receiver, GA 3
rack mount, and MZQ 1
microphone clamp

ew 500-965©

SKM 500-945
handheld trans-
mitter with cardioid
dynamic head,
with EM 500
diversity receiver,
GA 3 rack mount,
and MZQ 1 micro-
phone clamp

ew 500-945©

SKM 500-935
handheld trans-
mitter with cardioid
dynamic head,
with EM 500
diversity receiver,
GA 3 rack mount,
and MZQ 1 micro-
phone clamp

ew 500-935©

You Know You Can
Raise Your Voice
Lends strong voices a strong sound —the 500 series vocal set ensures brilliant sound, even during quiet sections. This
means that professional soul and rock voices sound as perfectly nuanced as classical singing voices. Experienced sound engineers
rely on this set, especially for large stages and unusual live events. Professionals can select from three different microphone heads
with cardioid and super-cardioid directional patterns.
090146 G3 500er BROSCHUERE_GB.indd 6 20.03.2009 13:25:27 Uhr
Prozessfarbe CyanProzessfarbe MagentaProzessfarbe GelbProzessfarbe SchwarzPANTONE 877 CPANTONE 2925 C