
Batteryadapter MZA 15

Can be connected into the microphone line at any point. Fitted with 9 mercury cells Mallory RM 625, it provides a continuous operation for 50 to 60 hours. The mercury cells can be purchased in all shops

with cater for the hard of hearing. To prevent an unnecessary dis-charge of the batteries, the battery adapter should be unscrewedfrom the microphone when it is not in use.Dimensions in mm: 22 0 x 132.Battery adapter MZA 15-U Fitted with Cannon connectorXLR-3-11 C and plug XLR-3-12 Cfor use with the MKH-U types. Batteries as in MZA 15.Special feature: If the plug and connector are connected to-

gether the battery condition is indicated by C!built-in signal diode. T0 prevent an unnecessary discharge of the batteries the battery adapter should be unscrewed from the microphone when it is not in use.

Dimensions in mm: 220 x 152.Power suppliesPower unit MZN 16 T and T-UFor simultaneous powering of two microphones. Connection to220 volt or 110 volt supplies. The unit can be included in the micro-phone cable at any point. Model T-U with Cannon connectors. Dimensions in mm:

168 x 120 x 50.

AC Power Supply MZN 16 P 48 and MZN 16 P 48-UThe power supply is designed for 48 V phantom powering, accordingto engineering standard DIN 45596. Model MZN 16 P 48 isused with condenser microphones of the MKH . . . P 48 type, whilemodel MZN 16 P 48-U is equipped with XLR connector for condensermicrophones of the
MKH . . . P 48-U type. Both models will supply power to !wo micro-phon es simultaneously. Dimensions in mm:

168 x 120 x 50.

Auxiliary units

Transistor amplifier KAT 15-2 For the connection of condenser

microphones, or symmetricallow impedance dynamic micro- phones, to the line and accessory inputs respectively, of the Nagra 111 or Nagra IV. Selected functions:

T = condenser microphones N = dynamic microphonesA switchable footfall filter is in- cluded.Dimensions in mm: 85 x 40 x 25.

Roll-oft-filter MZF 15

The roll-olf-filter MZF 15 should

be included only between supply voltage source and amplifier input. Frequency reduction

at 50 Hz approx. 6 dB at 25 Hz ~ 15dB

Dimensions in mm: 220 x 152.


Connecting cable KA 1 and KA 7 Tripie conductor screened cable. Fitted with 3 pin connectors according to DIN 41 524.

KA 1: 1.5 m long, KA 7: 7.5 m long.Connecting cable KA 7-1For use with all Sennheiser micro-phones with the sulfix U. The

KA 7-1 is fitted on one end with a cannon female connector, the other end is free for the connection of the necessary plug. The cable is 7.5 meters long.

Connecting cable KAM 1-5For the connection of series 6microphones to the "Mikroport" transmitters SK 1007,SK 1008 and the SER 1. Themicrophones are powered from the transmitter.KAM 1-5: 1 m long.


L'element micro MK 12 est un micro-cravate a pince electrostatique HF, avec un diaphragme de 6 mm de diametre. Conformement a son utili-

sation,le micro est un capteur de pression, a directivite omnidirectionnelle

et pour cette raison insensible aux bruits d'origine mecanique. Le micro complet est compose de deux elements: un element micro et un element

haute-frequence. L'element micro MK 12 est le meme pour le MH 124, MH 125 T, MH 126 P 48 ou I'emetteur de studio SK 1007. Un cordon prolongateur MZV 125 entre I'element micro et I'element HF est disponible en accessoires.

Notices techniques

Montage haute-frequence

Contrairement au montage basse frequence, la capsule d'unmicro electrostatique a haute frequence presente une faible impedance. A la place de la tension de polarisation relativementeJevee, la capsule n'est soumise qu'aune faible tension d'environ 10 volts, foumie par un oscilla- teur (8 MHz) a faible bruit de fond. La faible impedance du systeme a pour consequence un bruit de fond tres faible et une haute fiabilite

des microphones.


MK12 + MH124 = MKH 124

Le MKH 124 est prevu pour le raccordement direct a I'emetteur Microport SK 1008-3. L'alimentation est assuree par I'emetteur.

MK 12 + MH 125T = MKH 125T

Further general accessories e. g. tripods, booms, table stands etc. can be found in our catalogue "Senn heiser-revue".

Le MKH 125 Test prevu pour le raccordement ades cäbles alimentes par conducteurs de modulation. C'estSennheiser qui a introduit I'alimenta-