Batteryadapter MZA 15Can be connected into the microphone line at any point. Fitted with 9 mercury cells Mallory RM 625, it provides a continuous operation for 50 to 60 hours. The mercury cells can be purchased in all shops
with cater for the hard of hearing. To prevent an unnecessary dis-charge of the batteries, the battery adapter should be unscrewedfrom the microphone when it is not in use.Dimensions in mm: 22 0 x 132.Battery adapter MZAgether the battery condition is indicated by
168 x 120 x 50.
AC Power Supply MZN 16 P 48 and MZN 16 P168 x 120 x 50.
Auxiliary units
Transistor amplifier KATmicrophones, or symmetricallow impedance dynamic micro- phones, to the line and accessory inputs respectively, of the Nagra 111 or Nagra IV. Selected functions:
T = condenser microphones N = dynamic microphonesA switchable footfall filter is in- cluded.Dimensions in mm: 85 x 40 x included only between supply voltage source and amplifier input. Frequency reduction
at 50 Hz approx. 6 dB at 25 Hz ~ 15dBDimensions in mm: 220 x 152.
Connecting cable KA 1 and KA 7 Tripie conductor screened cable. Fitted with 3 pin connectors according to DIN 41 524.
KA 1: 1.5 m long, KA 7: 7.5 m long.Connecting cable KAKA
L'element micro MK 12 est un
et pour cette raison insensible aux bruits d'origine mecanique. Le micro complet est compose de deux elements: un element micro et un element
Notices techniques
MontageContrairement au montage basse frequence, la capsule d'unmicro electrostatique a haute frequence presente une faible impedance. A la place de la tension de polarisation relativementeJevee, la capsule n'est soumise qu'aune faible tension d'environ 10 volts, foumie par un oscilla- teur (8 MHz) a faible bruit de fond. La faible impedance du systeme a pour consequence un bruit de fond tres faible et une haute fiabilite
des microphones.Types
MK12 + MH124 = MKH 124
Le MKH 124 est prevu pour le raccordement direct a I'emetteur Microport SK
Further general accessories e. g. tripods, booms, table stands etc. can be found in our catalogue "Senn
Le MKH 125 Test prevu pour le raccordement ades cäbles alimentes par conducteurs de modulation. C'estSennheiser qui a introduit I'alimenta-
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